Story : Mystery Feet (cannibalism)

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Aug 14, 2011, 4:25:50 PM8/14/11
Mystery Feet

by Elminster

Disclaimer : This story is a work of fantasy for adults.
             It deals with cannibalism and gynophagia and
             should not be read by minors.Don't take it too
             seriously, it's just a fetish story for adults.
             Feel free to repost this story, but please don't
             change it.

George went to the cannibal restaurant.

He did that every week to buy female feet. Most cannibals preferred
the more meaty parts of a girl like ass or legs and so the restaurant
usually had a couple of female feet for sale at the end of a week.

They were not expensive, George paid $20 for a pair of girlfeet.

"Hi Sam!", he said to the owner of the restaurant.

"Hello George!", Sam responded.

"Any fresh girlfeet for me?", George asked.

"Yes, I got 8 girls this week and there are 5 pairs of feet left. Three white,
one Asian and one pair of black feet.", Sam answered.

Both men went to the cooling room and George inspected the feet.

There was a pair of tiny white feet, size 5, a pair of size 6 white feet
and a pair of huge size 10 girlfeet.

"This must have been a tall girl?", he asked Sam about the huge feet.

"Yes, she was over 6 feet tall.", Sam said.

The black feet were size 7 and the Asian feet size 5.

"What's smelling so badly?", George asked.

"It's the pair of size 6 feet. That girl had really stinky feet.", Sam answered.

"I love it!", George said and he took the feet and smelled them.

"Who was that girl?", he asked.

"I don't know her name, we got her from our butcher. She was already disembowled and
we dismembered her body and sold her meat. She was rather petite, but she had a nice
ass.", Sam said.

"I have to find more about her! Can you give me the address of the butcher?", George asked.

"Yes, of course.", Sam answered.

Sam gave him the address of the butcher and George paid $100 for 5 pairs of female feet.

He then went home with his car. The size 6 feet of the unknown girl were so smelly that
his whole car stank of them, but George loved it.

He had to eat one of these feet immediately.

When he was at home, he placed the feet of the other girls in his fridge.

He would eat them later.

Then he took one of the smelly girlfeet and put it into a pot.

He didn't wash the foot. He added water and some salt and then he boiled the foot.

While the foot was boiling, he smelled the other foot of the mystery girl and he
got a hard-on!

He pulled down his pants and he started fucking the smelly foot and he enjoyed it greatly.

It was so erotic for him!

He came on the foot and he fucked it again and again.

He wished that the girl was still alive. He always wanted a girlfriend with smelly feet,
but all his former girlfriends were not into that, they were ashamed and didn't let their
feet smell badly.

Then the foot, it was the left foot, which was boiling in the pot was done.

George tasted the girlfoot-soup and it tasted great. It tasted of the feet of the girl
and George ate all of it!

The meat came easily off the foot and George ate the toe-meat, the sole-meat and the
the meat of the heel. He ate all the footmeat until only bones were left.

He liked it very much.

He cleaned the right foot, because it was full with his cum and he put it into a bag.

Then he went to the butcher.

When he arrived there, he saw a huge men carrying a disembowled girl to a van.

"Hi, are you the butcher?", George asked.

"Yeah, I'm Mike, the butcher.", the butcher answered.

"Hi, I'm George. I've a question.", George said.

"Please ask, but I don't have much time, this girl must be delivered to the cannibal restaurant.", Mike said.

George showed Mike the foot of the mystery girl and asked "I've bought the feet of several girls at the cannibal
restaurant this morning and I *love* this foot. They didn't know that girl, can you tell me more?"

"Oh yeah, this was the girl with the stinky feet. I never had a girl with feet that stank so much.", Mike

"I *love* these feet.I already ate one of them and it was absolutely delicious. Who was that girl?", George asked.

"She was from the local girlfarm. Her name was Lucy. She had been fattened, she was weighing 160 pounds when I
butchered her. She was rather small. You should drive to the farm to find out more about her.", Mike answered.

"Thank you!", George said and went to his car.

Mike put the girl on his van and drove to the cannibal restaurant, while George went to the girlfarm.

When he arrived there, he saw a meadow with many nude girlcows. It was a small farm, they had about 100 cows,
the big farms often had more than 1000 girlcows.On the big farms, girls usually had no names, but numbers. On this
little farm, all the girls had names.

The owner of the farm was a middle-aged woman, Miss Linda.

George went to her bureau and met her after waiting a couple of minutes.

"Hi!", he said.

"Hi!", Miss Linda responded, "Do you want to buy a cow?", she asked.

"No, I think I can't afford a whole cow. I want to ask you about this foot I bought at the restaurant - it belonged
to a girl called Lucy, Mike, the butcher told me.Can you tell me more about her?", George asked Miss Linda.

"Yes, Lucy was one of our cows. We sold her last week to the restaurant and the butcher did her. She was an 18 year old brunette girlcow and she had very smelly feet.", Miss Linda answered.

"Yes, I know. I love her feet. I already ate one of them and it was the best foot I ever ate. Do you have more
girls with stinky feet like her?", George wanted to know.

"Yeah, Lucy has a twin sister, Sally, and her feet are as smelly as hers.", Miss Linda told him.

"Wow, I just said that I can't afford a whole girl, but I MUST have her. How much do you want for her?", George

"She's prime meat, weighing about 160 pounds like her sister and she's due to be sold to the restaurant. They
pay $5000 for her.", Miss Linda answered.

This was a lot of money, but George had to buy that girl.

"Ok, when are you going to sell her to the restaurant?", George asked.

"In two weeks.", Miss Linda replied.

"Can you show me the girl?", George asked.

"Yes, follow me.", Miss Linda said.

George followed Miss Linda to the meadow and there she was. A petite brunette girl. She had size 6 feet like
her sister and he could smell them.

"Hi Sally, I'd like to buy you.", George said to her.

"Hello mister, do you like my meat?", Sally asked.

"Yes, but I don't want to eat you. I want to keep you as my cow. I like your feet. I've eaten a foot from
your twin-sister and it was delicious.", George said.

"I'm just a cow, if my mistress sells me to you, I will be YOUR cow.", Sally replied.

George worked very hard the following days. He ate the feet of the other girls, but he enjoyed the right foot
of Lucy the most.

He baked it in his oven with a fine sauce and rice and it was delicious.

George tried to get money from all his friends. The days went by and he still had no $5000.

He didn't want this girl to be butchered, he wanted her as his girlfriend.

He wanted to keep her. He wanted to smell her stinky feet. He wanted to kiss her stinky feet.

He wanted to impregnate her. He wanted to make girlcalfs with stinky feet.

After two weeks, George had $5000. He went to the farm, where he met Miss Linda.

"Hi, I want to buy Sally.Is she still there?", George asked.

"Sorry, I'm afraid that she has already been sold to the restaurant.", Miss Linda answered.

"Oh no, when did they take her?", he asked.

"An hour ago. If you hurry up, you may still buy her alive.", Miss Linda replied.

George drove to the butcher shop. He hoped that Sally was still alive.

When he arrived at the butcher shop, he saw Mike butchering a girl.

"Oh my god!", George thought.

"Mike, is that cow Sally?", he asked the butcher.

"No, this is another cow. I just brought Sally to the restaurant, she's due for a live-roast!", Mike responded.

George drove to the restaurant as fast as he could. Sally was about to be spitted and roasted alive!

When he arrived at the restaurant, a lot of people already were there, both men and women, watching the cooking
area. Live-roast always were spectacular and expensive.

George ran.

"Sally!", he cried.

Sally was on a table, nude, two men were about to spit her through her pussy.

"Stop it!", George cried.

"Why should we stop preparing this girl?", one of the men asked.

"I want to buy her. I need to buy her. I *love* that girl. Please don't kill her!", George begged.

Sam, the restaurant owner came and he said "But the guests have already paid for that girl.They're hungry."

"Here are $5000. I want to buy that girl. Please do me that favor, I'm a good customer. You can get another
living girl from the farm within an hour.", George said.

This was the beginning of a wonderful love-story.

Sam agreed and sold Sally to George. He took the girl home and married her only a few days later.

The restaurant ordered another girl from the girlfarm and they spitted her alive through her cunt and
the guests enjoyed the meat of the girlcow.

Every day George enjoyed Sally's stinky feet and together with her, George ate female feet he bought at the

George impregnated Sally five times and she gave birth to five wonderful girls.

And they all enjoyed girlfeet and occassionally other girlparts until they died...

The End.
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