Hi there, I've got an issue I'm hoping you can help with. I'm doing a lot of jquery ajax requests to web methods on my pages, but some of the errors aren't getting logged. It's a particular kind of error that seems to happen after exiting the web method, so using a try, catch in the web method doesn't seem to help. Sometimes I'll get an error from the Entity Framework when
asp.net serializes the response into JSON. I tried doing the HttpHandler method in another thread on here where it attaches to the page error event for ajax requests. It was successful in attaching to the event for the requests, but no error was ever caught here, as it seems the error isn't a page level event.
I guess I'm just wondering if you're aware of any other event I could attach to, to log these errors. Maybe it's in the Entity Framework, or there's some other event in the response pipeline I'm unaware of.