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Using a managed service account to send Elmah emails

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Jul 9, 2019, 1:39:19 PM7/9/19
Hi. Love Elmah and have been using it for years! Is it possible to use a Windows managed service account to send Elmah emails? What would the errorEmail look like in Web.config? 

<errorMail from="" to="" async="true" subject="MyApp Exception thrown: {0}" userName="" password="" smtpServer=""/>

Thank you.

Atif Aziz

Jul 9, 2019, 1:42:27 PM7/9/19
I don't think this is specific to ELMAH so you'll have better luck getting an answer quicker on StackOverflow. It wouldn't be any different thank asking, “How can I send e-mail in .NET using a Windows managed service account?”

- Atif

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Jul 9, 2019, 1:58:18 PM7/9/19
Thanks, Atif. You're quick to answer! Much appreciated.

- Alex

On Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at 1:39:19 PM UTC-4, AlexC wrote:
Hi. Love Elmah and have been using it for years! Is it possible to use a Windows managed service account to send Elmah emails? What would the errorEmail look like in Web.config? 

<errorMail from="" to="" async="true" subject="MyApp Exception thrown: {0}" userName="" password="" smtpServer=""/>

Thank you.

Atif Aziz

Jul 9, 2019, 4:27:29 PM7/9/19
If you get an answer on StackOverflow then would appreciate if you could pop back here to drop a note with a link to the solution that worked for you (for future visitors).

Thanks & good luck,

On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 7:58 PM AlexC <> wrote:
Thanks, Atif. You're quick to answer! Much appreciated.

- Alex

On Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at 1:39:19 PM UTC-4, AlexC wrote:
Hi. Love Elmah and have been using it for years! Is it possible to use a Windows managed service account to send Elmah emails? What would the errorEmail look like in Web.config? 

<errorMail from="" to="" async="true" subject="MyApp Exception thrown: {0}" userName="" password="" smtpServer=""/>

Thank you.

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Jul 11, 2019, 1:15:38 PM7/11/19
Hi friends, no answer on StackOverflow but our Ops folks discovered a simple solution: don't include the credentials in the errorMail properties:

        <errorMail from="" to="" async="true" subject="MyApp Exception thrown: {0}" smtpServer=""/>

Note we also changed the "from" to a fake "noreply" email, as we don't wan't replies. Also, we can't use a Win service account to send emails, as described here:

Exchange Server does not allow you to send e-mails from a managed service account on behalf of a service or application. To overcome this limitation, use the managed service account to run the service, but create a separate conventional user account for the service and configure the service to send e-mails using this account.

Hope this helps someone else. 

On Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at 1:39:19 PM UTC-4, AlexC wrote:
Hi. Love Elmah and have been using it for years! Is it possible to use a Windows managed service account to send Elmah emails? What would the errorEmail look like in Web.config? 

<errorMail from="" to="" async="true" subject="MyApp Exception thrown: {0}" userName="" password="" smtpServer=""/>

Thank you.

Atif Aziz

Jul 11, 2019, 2:15:51 PM7/11/19
Alex, thanks a ton for taking the time to revert with the solution that worked for you!

- Atif
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Jul 11, 2019, 2:20:57 PM7/11/19
You're welcome, Atif. And thank you for the amazing ELMAH! First used it with .NET 2.0 years ago and rediscovered it recently.

On Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at 1:39:19 PM UTC-4, AlexC wrote:
Hi. Love Elmah and have been using it for years! Is it possible to use a Windows managed service account to send Elmah emails? What would the errorEmail look like in Web.config? 

<errorMail from="" to="" async="true" subject="MyApp Exception thrown: {0}" userName="" password="" smtpServer=""/>

Thank you.
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