Seeking feedback on new elm-css docs

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Richard Feldman

Nov 13, 2017, 9:42:31 PM11/13/17
to elm-dev
Hi all!

I'm working on a major revamp of elm-css and I'm looking for feedback on the new docs, especially from people who have never used elm-css before.

To view the new docs:
  1. Check out this branch
  2. Run the docs preview on it
In particular I'd like to know what questions you still have that the docs didn't answer.



Brian Hicks

Nov 14, 2017, 11:12:55 AM11/14/17
Big things:

- Html.Styled.Attributes: styled is a really complex type with no documentation. I think I see what it's doing? It's not completely clear. (my best guess: this lifts a plain html-producing function to a styled html-producing function?) But why?
- It's not clear why you need Html.Styled.{Events,Keyed,Lazy} from the docs. I assume this is because you're defining a wrapper type over regular Html?

Little things:

- Html.Styled: "This file is organized roughly in order of popularity" is followed by node, which we maybe shouldn't use so very often.
- Html.Styled: the docs for span mention adding class. This shouldn't be needed in this case, should it?
- Css: the H4s don't read as headers. I thought you didn't have headers at first! But the explanation is clear enough once I figured it out. Maybe use H3s instead?
- Css: "you'll get a build-time validation error (RGB values must be between 0 and 255) if you try to compile it to a stylesheet." Isn't this a runtime error now?
- Css: broken link to #border2


I'm super excited to use this to make my styles go faster! This should do the right thing with eventual SSR stuff, right?

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Sebastian Porto

Nov 29, 2017, 9:09:01 PM11/29/17
to elm-dev

I have been using 12 for a week, I really like Html.Styled. 
Here is my feedback about the docs

  • There are lots of references to stylesheet in Css.Foreign, which is deprecated, please remove, this is confusing

  • Css.Foreign stills shows union types for classes, which I understand is deprecated

  • I find Html.Styled.Attributes.styled a bit odd, I guess is useful but why whould you use this over css?

  • Should there be Html.program and programWithFlags?

  • In batch is not clear what is for, there a are couple of uses e.g. paragraphFont, but that is not used anywhere

  • Please to show how to target descendants class

  • Is not clear how to migrate from 11 to 12, specially if you were using stylesheet, would be nice to have a small migration guide

Richard Feldman

Nov 29, 2017, 11:50:19 PM11/29/17
to elm-dev
Wow, thank you for the detailed feedback! This is really helpful. ❤️

I'll take a pass at revising the docs for the next release.
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