****SIMSTART**** Part 1 of 2

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Fleet Commander Bradley Bradley Cardiff. Wolfe Pack Fleet: Wolfe Pack Fleet, Fleet Captain of Nothing, division status: n/a ...Simmer at Large...

Apr 23, 2008, 12:23:20 PM4/23/08
to The Stardates of Our Lives
Greetings to everyone both new and old,

Waugh, of course, being one of the oldest-- I figure...

SO I've bit the bullet and after 8 years of the same hotmail
services I've finally let go and setup a brand spanking new email
account, two actually and I'm r ready to go. My private gmail account
will be disclosed on a discretionary basis (damned if I get junk mail
again!!) and those people wishing to contact me for any other reason
can please redirect all correspondences to

HAZAA!! Goodbye pedo-teen animal sex porno spam forever!?! I can

Now on to business. Let's be as simple as we can for now so that we
can all on be on the same page.




Time period:

Mid Spring 10 years Post Dominion war

Location: Star fleet Command HQ, San Fransisco Earth

Pick a duty/section/division of command to be involved with at
headquarters and run with it. Don't paint to broad a stroke on the
canvass tho ugh guys. Lets think community here. Oh and we can't
all be Grand Supreme Vice Admirals or whatever *cough* you all know
who you are:P

Now as far war fallout goes; It's repetitive its been done. Lets
move on folks. I'm pretty sure that DS9 might have have covered
every possible angle, spin, and take on the war during the 7 seasons
it aired, eh?

Movin' on...

Lets hit up something fresh -- something new; something... 10 years

We all need reason to interact and lets all start on earth
or at least be in the solar system.

I've spent months trying to ferry my characters to the rising action
of a plot whilst along the way setting up semi intricate back story
and what not only to have the sim die before it's GM even met up with
another character. SO, I'm admitting I'm bad for spending more time
trying to get people to pay attention to useless details or
acknowledge a plot device involving a sim character and story's that
existed so long ago that they aren't even ghosts now. I should have
been telling a story, eh?

Lets write a some fiction.

Here's to the start of our journeys...

<<STAY TUNED for my Post just proofing it>>

Amanda H. Chase

Apr 23, 2008, 1:33:50 PM4/23/08
to elli...@googlegroups.com
Can I ask a few questions as well?

1. Do we have a post format somewhere to use? I guess I'm a stickler
on that since Email RPs were my specialty and I just can't get
standards out of my blood.

2. Everybody using their old characters as well? My god, I wish I
still had my old Et`Kal bios... I screwed up that character big time
so I will gladly take this opportunity to revise her.

3. (not a question but a comment) Ah! Wolfe Pack! I remember when
it first started. Yeesh. Sorry, makes me think of DW :-) That's a
good thing.

4. Gah, Waugh, you're old.


On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 12:23 PM, Fleet Commander Bradley Bradley
Cardiff. Wolfe Pack Fleet: Wolfe Pack Fleet, Fleet Captain of Nothing,
division status: n/a ...Simmer at Large...

Amanda Hilliard Chase
AIM: LadyJedi14

Dustin Marquardt

Apr 23, 2008, 2:12:21 PM4/23/08
to elli...@googlegroups.com

Please beging your posts by prefacing your subject line with

Subject: [ToG] Rank Name Position

begin the body each email with a basic header

Position, Commission
"Post Name"

See example below for context:

To: elli...@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Tog] Bradley Cardiff "To Ere..."

-=/\=- -= -= -=- =- =- -= -= -=- =- -= -=- =- =- -= -= -=- =- =- -=/\=-

Captain Bradley Cardiff
Commanding Officer, USS Spirit
Earth's Orbit
Site: Holodeck 2, USS Spirit
" To Ere is Human... to Lie us Ordained "

=/\=- -=-= -=- =- =- -= -= -=- =- -= -=- =- =- -= -= -=- =- =- -=/\=-

I threw the decorative in fpr fun but I don't care how you do it aslong as those 5 lines are there:)

<< these brackets are out of context OOC>> thse are {{Telephathic thought }} and ~ these here ~ are generall interal monologues

I hope you haven't gotten wrong idea about character ressurections. I'm not resurecting any characters so far for this sim I'm starting from scratch. So please don't feel as though any of you need to carry on in any previous persona. As for everyone else I don't know that they've even decided on characters so I'm excited.


> Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 13:33:50 -0400
> From: lady...@gmail.com
> To: elli...@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: ****SIMSTART**** Part 1 of 2

> Can I ask a few questions as well?
> 1. Do we have a post format somewhere to use? I guess I'm a stickler
> on that since Email RPs were my specialty and I just can't get
> standards out of my blood.
> 2. Everybody using their old characters as well? My god, I wish I
> still had my old Et`Kal bios... I screwed up that character big time
> so I will gladly take this opportunity to revise her.
> 3. (not a question but a comment) Ah! Wolfe Pack! I remember when
> it first started. Yeesh. Sorry, makes me think of DW :-) That's a
> good thing.
> 4. Gah, Waugh, you're old.
> -EK
> On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 12:23 PM, Fleet Commander Bradley Bradley
> Cardiff. Wolfe Pack Fleet: Wolfe Pack Fleet, Fleet Captain of Nothing,
> division status: n/a ...Simmer at Large...

> wrote:
>> Greetings to everyone both new and ol

Find hidden words, unscramble celebrity names, or try the ultimate crossword puzzle with Live Search Games. Play now!

Dustin Marquardt

Apr 23, 2008, 2:12:55 PM4/23/08
to elli...@googlegroups.com


> Can I ask a few questions as well?
> 1. Do we have a post format somewhere to use? I guess I'm a stickler
> on that since Email RPs were my specialty and I just can't get
> standards out of my blood.
> 2. Everybody using their old characters as well? My god, I wish I
> still had my old Et`Kal bios... I screwed up that character big time
> so I will gladly take this opportunity to revise her.
> 3. (not a question but a comment) Ah! Wolfe Pack! I remember when
> it first started. Yeesh. Sorry, makes me think of DW :-) That's a
> good thing.
> 4. Gah, Waugh, you're old.
> -EK
> On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 12:23 PM, Fleet Commander Bradley Bradley
> Cardiff. Wolfe Pack Fleet: Wolfe Pack Fleet, Fleet Captain of Nothing,
> division status: n/a ...Simmer at Large...

> wrote:
>> Greetings to everyone both new and ol

Enter today for your chance to win $1000 a day—today until May 12th. Learn more at SignInAndWIN.ca

Dustin Marquardt

Apr 23, 2008, 2:13:57 PM4/23/08
to elli...@googlegroups.com

Please beging your posts by prefacing your subject line with

Subject: [ToG] Rank Name Position

begin the body each email with a basic header

Position, Commission
"Post Name"

See example below for context:

To: elli...@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Tog] Bradley Cardiff "To Ere..."

-=/\=- -= -= -=- =- =- -= -= -=- =- -= -=- =- =- -= -= -=- =- =- -=/\=-

Captain Bradley Cardiff
Commanding Officer, USS Spirit
Earth's Orbit
Site: Holodeck 2, USS Spirit
" To Ere is Human... to Lie us Ordained "

=/\=- -=-= -=- =- =- -= -= -=- =- -= -=- =- =- -= -= -=- =- =- -=/\=-

I threw the decorative in fpr fun but I don't care how you do it aslong as those 5 lines are there:)

<< these brackets are out of context OOC>> thse are {{Telepathic thought }} and ~ these here ~ are general internal monologues

I hope you haven't gotten wrong idea about character resurrections. I'm not resurrecting any characters so far for this sim I'm starting from scratch. So please don't feel as though any of you need to carry on in any previous persona. As for everyone else I don't know that they've even decided on characters so I'm excited.


> Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 13:33:50 -0400
> From: lady...@gmail.com
> To: elli...@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: ****SIMSTART**** Part 1 of 2

> Can I ask a few questions as well?
> 1. Do we have a post format somewhere to use? I guess I'm a stickler
> on that since Email RPs were my specialty and I just can't get
> standards out of my blood.
> 2. Everybody using their old characters as well? My god, I wish I
> still had my old Et`Kal bios... I screwed up that character big time
> so I will gladly take this opportunity to revise her.
> 3. (not a question but a comment) Ah! Wolfe Pack! I remember when
> it first started. Yeesh. Sorry, makes me think of DW :-) That's a
> good thing.
> 4. Gah, Waugh, you're old.
> -EK
> On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 12:23 PM, Fleet Commander Bradley Bradley
> Cardiff. Wolfe Pack Fleet: Wolfe Pack Fleet, Fleet Captain of Nothing,
> division status: n/a ...Simmer at Large...

> wrote:
>> Greetings to everyone both new and ol

Turn every day into $1000. Learn more at SignInAndWIN.ca

Dustin Marquardt

Apr 23, 2008, 10:46:34 PM4/23/08
to elli...@googlegroups.com

-= -= -=- =- =- -= -= -=- =- -= -=- =- =- -= -= -=- =- =-

Tatiana Aryasova
Civilian Supporter, The Paradigm Solution
Earth's Orbit
Site: San Fransisco

-= -= -=- =- =- -= -= -=- =- -= -=- =- =- -= -= -=- =- =-

With the quadrant now up kept by nominal standards an almost numbing spirit had swept over most the Federation citizens.

Sector to sector and system to system, The absence of something
tho still undiscernable to most had continued to be felt by all. Was it was continued to be felt by everyone. After the war the will to to surive had only then been surpassed by the collective will to move on and to resume their lives where they had once left off. Expecations and standards had taken to being lower and the relieved and bewildldered humanoids of the alpha quadrant slpped deepers and deeper each day the silence of peace.

The end results from the existential and and the philosophical consolidation of conditions, however, had finally been transformed and then adopted as the the narrow and unavoidable baseline for which most living people were now adhering to.

A mental flashlight would be needed soon. perhaps an an alarm clock to get life moving. No longer standing at the focal point for mankinds en evours into the unknown the future seemed i uncertain but how.not how.;

Humanity would need to look at the universe again with fresh eyes. Tatiana paused in thought for a moment to gain clairty of thought and then continued ~At some point people will realize that we've been living out the same day every day for almost 3 years~ Its dawn had to come.

Complaints were seldom heard being uttered. Outwardly it had become apparent to Tatiana; There was a fundamental absense of even the material by which to construct a complaint from.

...such interrogatives were considered by most freethinkers to be wasteful anyhow... decadent.

'Conserve all which preserves'

'Wishful thinking begets wanton desire?

Tasteless rhetoric and semantical format littered the modern horizon.

Design specific to boost morale and answer questions rising from the rawness of human emotion amidst illogic and chaos. Questions to answer questions. Had we all gotten lazy? Our unbrbidled human nature rendering itself inert? Ceasing to be an asset and would threaten us with in afectualism.

She looked up from her notes. Jasper smiled at her and she smiled in return and added stretngth to her own resolve. Such things did not phase her. Trivialities izations for the weaker of mind. Phased not by such trivialities that begged such benign response.

Tatiana Aryasova had awlays cast her own shadow/ The daughterand knowing alqwys that she had been daddy's little girl hnd garnered no real advantages to life. She simply new who she was. Successful independat and only now just becoming aware to the the changes in herself she could bring about in herself togive back to the world;

She still knew herself. and her truth. She saw her trust in her own identity as impecable. A character flaw indeed that could be exploited as asset. . She was self driven into high standard. She was her own person. Anna believed.

Just then Anna realized her fatique. She was growing tired now and the shadows had began to stretch out across the landscape.

She had been with the ralliers from the start of the afternoon and absorbed each and every single word, gesture, and subtle nuance that that she could assimilate into understanding of the Paradigm Solution. . Creative energy and expression Expression and thought were becoming dope to her. The world to her...

God she loved her dope. .

Jasper Rollic's voice could be heard near and far as it carried above the heads of men, women and children throughout park mixing with the sun kissed wind othat mid spring day.

Each word spoken from the platform had bonded them together with kinetic energy. She could feel its ebbing and flow between them linked linkd by purpose. New destinies manifest.. She could almost feel the winds of change

The stillness now left by the absence of those who had once lost their lives could could still be heard on a day like today. The silence quietly whispered and wove its deafness between foot fall and fodder then faded into heavens lost to the echoes of time. far above the treetops rising int he distances where Star Fleet Command could be seen rising up into the city skyline becoming almost forgotten now.

All at once the speakers voice could be heard clearly up overtop the people amidst the crowds moving to and from the park amd finally up and over the Gardens at the foot of Academy Gates down towards StarFleet Command.

“The injured soul still urges for a broken hearts next beat, he had exclaimed.”

The Members of a non-violent pro-separatist movement known as 'The Paradigm Solution ' Amassed a crowd of about 100 people pm tje grass/ It was clear that the Solution was growing and evolving into something borne of the human spirit..

Those gathered were clustered together around the small stage atop which a podium stood. A dynamic animated man walked back and forth while addressing the crowd. The man known to the people as Jasper Rollic could clearly be heard inside and outisde the masses. And so well spoken and ressonant that he didn't need the microphone or even be aware of it. He just spoke to the spoke to the people and they heard him. Finally though, they began to hear themselves.

Jasper was a tall lean man standing 6'0 and from as an observer could pass for fairly fit. His angular upper body sat well on his strking facial structure which gave to to green eyes that could capture a the glimmer from somones else eyes.

He wore casual dress attire for the support rally. Blue short sleave tshirt and simple beige hakis pants. He gave no air of superiority by mannerism nor did he did his words but carried his his message of truth silenty on his Tshirt. A question mark rested between the olive branches of hte UFP symbol where a the starscape should have been.

Jasper's wind strewn sandy brown hair framed the confident clarity that dwelled there. Each Irus eye seemed itself to to the glimmer from moment. Jasper had eyes that defied all confusion. They were full of fire and honesty and there lived his was depth of soul. Which now for most was like the the olive branch; circling around looking at questions. Not Jasper though They were the eyes of a man who defiled the norm, fuct the confusion and punched holes in complacency with only the the sight of eye and slight of hand. He could see the future in great distance.

Nearing the end noticeably he drew back a deep breath into his diaphragm and resounded from the center of his being while descending into his closing statements which only served to enlivened them more. Tatiani was beginning to hear the Paradigm Solution in his voice reasoning things out in her own mind. Jasper now would likely become the the public face of the Solution.

He was becoming an inspirational and a charismatc enabler. HE hated the thought of being known as a world leaders. It never felt right to his sense of modesty. His voice found the clarity in confusion and from the insecurity of uncertainty resolve shatterd understanding and dispel disbelief. Those who found themselves assembled in Zephram Cochrane's Memorial Park were now finding their way.

The page begins to turn.

Tattianna was sure that it was long passed that time.

...~THE TIME!!~

15:48 she noted.

“PROGRESS! and not perfection Should be our appointed focus today.”

As united peoples what is it that we stand for? What do you any of us stand for. Militancy, democracy, exploration? THE First Contact Office has had been empty for over a year now because of the sanctions placed on diplomatic conservations which are contrary to the war remunerations act that became law.

Jasper spoke firmly to the future as he began his closing remarks but Anna was already else where. Closing his speach with a resounding shout out from the crowd that drew considerable glances Anna began to drift homeward sever so slight unaware. walking away from the ocean now. Drifingt so fully into her thoughts that she was sarecely aware of the circles of appluades and cheering Jasper had recieved as she herself began to recede into the masses of personel and civillians wandering about the grounds. Time to pay the piper, she thought. She had other hats to wear

The sound of consensus in the crowed inagreement swelled and rose above their heads. The issues at hand became food for thought as they chewed the fat one last time as group that afternoon. More hats?.

She was Tattianna... more pressingly tho


The setting sun began to dip below the horizon and above the fire lit treet tops a warm sun kissed breaze blew down through the valleys lining the Pacific'S shore.

The Ocean's chill QUICKLY filtered through the air.

Tatianna hurried.

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