" Mount a Rescue "

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Dusty Trails

Mar 3, 2007, 9:16:10 PM3/3/07
to elli...@googlegroups.com
    “Sir we're receiving an incoming transmission from within our sector.  It's being broadcast on a priority 1 distress channel.”
    “Put it on screen Ensign”  The Duty officer swiveled in his chair and turned towards the view screen inside the Veryn Outpost Operations Center.  
    “Federation Outpost Veryn this is Captain Nina Cordova of the transport vessel Crouching Tiger requesting assistance. We have come under attack by an unknown assailant. Again this is Captain Nina Cordova of the transport vessel Crouching Tiger requesting immediate assistance...”
    “It ends there sir.  Recommend we dispatch assistance immediately.  The call seems to have originated from just outside the planetary defence network.”
    “Is the ship ready?  It's been in planetary refit for quite some time now.”
    “Last report showed that there was some minor problems with the impulse manifold but her systems seems to be a go.”
    “Well then Ensign, make it so.  I'll handle this personally and make my way to underground facility.”
    “Ensign Broadband to starship bay.  We've received a distress call from a transport vessel on route to Veryn Prime.  Make ready any last minute adjustments.  We're taking the ship up for a crash course.
    Moments later from outside the Northern outpost wall the lights surrounding two large bay doors which had been sunken into the ground began flashing.  A warning siren sounded and a message began to broadcast through the comm system.  “Warning, Launch Sequence has been initiated.  All personnel please make clear the launch bay doors. Warning, Launch Sequence...”  the Computer continued.  
    From within the depths of the chamber below the sound of thrusters gave way to a rush of air and the from below the mighty Defiant Class USS Spirit rose towards the sky.  'Where Angel's Fear to Tread' once more,  as her commemorative plaque so stated.
    From the subspace relay station news of the situation at hand had already made it to Jasper and his team.    
    “Really Jasper, how do you think neighboring species might interpret this course of action let alone the existence of this sort of technology in orbit of a research colony?”
    “We can deal with those questions later.  Right now we have to get things operational as quickly as possible.  Hopefully the Spirit can buy them some time while they draw them into a closer proximity to th planet. “
    “Yes sir.”   Grasping a PADD in one hand he rested it against a console before exiting the room but turned around and looked back to Jasper.  “I hope they're alright sir.  My sister is on the transport.”
    “Me too Lieutenant.  Me too.  I'm still sensing them out there though.  They're terrified but alive.”
     The Lieutenant nodded his head and hurried to the turbolift.

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