Cardiff "Trapped" Part 1

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Dusty Trails

Feb 28, 2007, 6:49:37 PM2/28/07

Bradley Cardiff
Platform Administrative Authority
Skoleryn Trade Outpost
Location: Platform B (The Brink) -
Nirik's Morgue
“Trapped” Part 1

    Nearby Brad could hear the voices of children two twin children playing in the distance; His little prince and princess as he'd come to think of them. 14 Months, beautiful months, had passed since his wife Gillian and their family had packed up everything again and moved. They were becoming, at that point, quite used to the perpetual uprooting and travel deeper underground. No matter where they went someone under Gul Kuran's regime would always find them and there was nothing Starfleet could do to bring the nightmare to an end.

    One night 14 months prior, while staying in a Federation safe house on Oombadi Prime long after the last time they had seen Kuran, their peace was shattered. Brad had just finished putting the children to bed and reclining in his chair had picked up a novel. Brad was reading the latest installment in a series he'd been devout in following by his favourite Bajoran author Tirek Lyren. It was as story of the occupation as retold through the eyes of a young band of freedom fighters at the heart of the resistance. He was just turning the page to begin a new chapter when he heard a scream from outside the home that shattered his reverie. His thoughts went immediately to that of his wife who had been out buying some last minute things at the market.

    Leaving his book strewn on the floor at this feet Cardiff felt panic take over. Throwing open the front door Bradley ran bare foot onto the rock mosaic pathway that winded it's way through the forest surrounding the home and into the small enclaves hidden within. Tall rose bushes and other various plants had been planted many years before and had been kept in quite regal splendor. Though now was not the time for the pleasantries of botany.

    “Gillian!” He exclaimed but heard no response

    The moonlight shone down from high in the heavens casting shadows along the path as Cardiff hurried into the thick of forested gardens winding through their property. All at once the flora seemed to come alive around him, reaching out and grasping at him trying to stop him from finding his wife.

    Spinning around he halted his movement and called out once more. This time he heard something -- a commotion directly ahead. Racing through towards the rising sounds he turned a corner to see Gillian falling to the ground while catching only a glimpse of a Cardassian man disappearing into a swirl of energy and light.

    Rushing to her aid Bradley kneeled down beside his wife and taking a brief survey of her condition quickly wrapped himself around Gillian as she began to sob heavily.

    “He was here Brad; Kuran was here. He's toying with us and he wants us to know that we'll never be safe. NEVER!” Gillian buried her face in Brad's chest and continued to sob.

    “We'll never be safe... he'll always find us.”

    “Can you stand?”

    “Yes, I think I can. Quick Brad we have to get back to children. We're not safe here anymore.”

-=/\=- -=-=-=-=- -=/\=-

    That had been the second time Gul Kuran had come back to lay claim on Bradley and his family. Nothing but misery and grief had befallen the Cardiff household since the day the USS Destiny and it's crew, faithfully following their Captain, had chanced upon this Gul and his plans for domination and conquest of the Bajoran peoples.

    The sky had began to grow dark and the winds were slowly picking up. Recognizing the start to what could turn into quite a plasma storm Cardiff rose to his feet to locate his children. Swirls became gusts and tugged and tossed his clothing. Small bits of debris began to cluster and disperse around feet.

    “Gill, where have the kids gotten to?”

    From overhead a crack of thunder bellowed down the valley from atop the mountainside. Behind the picnicking family a ship had flown down into the valley and was coming directly for them. Nobody had noticed though until it was right on them and began firing energy discharges. Gillian and Bradley were tossed apart and thrown to the grass.

    “Gill! Find the KIDS!”

    The sky grew ever darker and everything in Cardiff's vision faded completely to black. Suddenly he couldn't breath. What was going on? Where was he? The feeling of lungs about to burst being trapped beneath the surface of water unable to breath or being ripped apart by the vacuum of space filled his core.

    “Gillian! GILLIAN where are you?”

    Cardiff woke to find himself gasping for air and staring up into Joana Nealy's eyes

    “Gave me quite a scare there cousin. Are you able to walk?”

    “I think so.”

    The line of conversation gave me an eerie chill as deja-vu permeated his senses and he shivered.

    “Who is Gillian?”

    “Someone I knew a long time ago.

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