Hi there,
When I try to make up a new hex (something like ransack in ruby land) I have the next problem:
defp match(%Rule{op: :eq, field: field, assoc: nil}, value, query) do
quote do: unquote(query) |> where([q], q.unquote(field) == ^unquote(var!(value)))
defp match(%Rule{op: :eq, field: field, assoc: assoc}, value, query) do
quote do
|> join(:inner, [r], l in assoc(r, unquote(var!(assoc))))
|> where([q], q.unquote(field) == ^unquote(var!(value)))
first function works well, but when I try to pass "unquote(query)" (regular "Ecto.Query" struct) to macros "join", I got an exception like this:
** (CompileError) nofile: invalid quoted expression: #Ecto.Query<from o in Order>
Did I do something wrong? Why "where" and "join" macros have different semantics? And, of course is there other way to build dynamic queries?
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