Muliple/Varied plug pipelines - best practice

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Larry Weya

Aug 31, 2015, 4:27:47 AM8/31/15
to elixir-lang-talk
From my understanding plugs within a router are executed sequentially one by one and plugs like the CSRF plug allow options to be defined within the route to skip the CSRF check. How would I go about defining a different plug pipeline for a group of routes. The best I've been able to figure out is to define a separate router and have the main router forward matching requests to it. The (minor) issue I have with this is that if forces me to have a prefix for those routes which I can live with but would like to know if there is another way to do it.

José Valim

Aug 31, 2015, 5:00:54 AM8/31/15
You will have better luck regarding Phoenix questions in Phoenix mailing list:!forum/phoenix-talk :)

José Valim
Skype: jv.ptec
Founder and Director of R&D

On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 10:27 AM, Larry Weya <> wrote:
From my understanding plugs within a router are executed sequentially one by one and plugs like the CSRF plug allow options to be defined within the route to skip the CSRF check. How would I go about defining a different plug pipeline for a group of routes. The best I've been able to figure out is to define a separate router and have the main router forward matching requests to it. The (minor) issue I have with this is that if forces me to have a prefix for those routes which I can live with but would like to know if there is another way to do it.

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Larry Weya

Aug 31, 2015, 11:58:50 AM8/31/15
to elixir-lang-talk
I'm actually talking specifically about Plug and not Phoenix, sorry if I didnt make that clear.

José Valim

Aug 31, 2015, 12:06:26 PM8/31/15
Ah, ok. Strictly speaking, the Plug router does not support multiple pipelines. However, because plugs are just functions, you can easily wire up by creating one module per pipeline:

defmodule MyPipeline do
  use Plug.Builder

  plug :foo
  plug :bar
  plug :baz
  plug :dispatch

  def dispatch(conn, opts) do

Then you can call it for the relevant routes in your route:

get "/foo/bar" do, route: fn conn ->
    # Your route code

You can even move it to a private function and call it as my_pipeline(conn, fn conn -> ... end) passing the connection. That's pretty much what Phoenix does (it does support multiple pipelines, that's why I got confused by your question), except Phoenix hides the pipeline call from you.

José Valim
Skype: jv.ptec
Founder and Director of R&D

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Larry Weya

Sep 1, 2015, 9:52:13 AM9/1/15
to elixir-lang-talk,
Exactly what I was looking for, thanks.
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