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30. apr. 2005, 13.36.5230.04.2005
til eli...@googlegroups.com
Welcome! Use this mailing list to discuss all things Elistic. Get the
main description from the website: http://www.elistic.net/doc/about

While it's possible that we could actually use Elistic itself to host
discussions, I have decided to go with this Google group for now for a
couple reasons:

First, Elistic's interface is not particularly conducive to efficient
threaded discussion. It could get there in the future, especially when
the XML API is working, but I'm hoping we'll get the best results for
now from something that's designed for discussion.

Second, Elistic is very very new and a personal project (read "not
funded" ;-)). I don't know how well it's going to scale, especially if
it gets popular. I wanted to have a fallback plan so people would have
a way to get help and information if something isn't working. I *am*
still planning on using Elistic for the main bug tracking system though
(http://www.elistic.net/user/frank/elistic+bug+category), so if you run
into trouble and are at least still able to use Elistic, be sure to
post an entry there.

Thanks for being interested and stopping in! Please say hi; I'd love to
hear what you would like to see done with Elistic.


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