Q: How does it deal with translations? are they also different versions, is there any linkage between related documents?
We didn't think about the translation use case. You could use our versioning system to publish different language versions, however the main website will redirect to the most recent version, so I don't think this would be a good use of that.
The system does support links between related documents through two ways. One way is through related article tagging in the XML, e.g. [JATs-xml/elife-kitchen-sink.xml at master · elifesciences/JATs-xml · GitHub](
https://github.com/elifesciences/JATs-xml/blob/master/elife-kitchen-sink.xml#L321). The other is via Drupal where editors can created relations between content on the site. This latter is used to link articles with podcasts that feature these articles, for example.