Supported AMIs

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Giorgio Sironi

Jul 14, 2017, 4:15:50 AM7/14/17
to elife-continuum-list, Lee Roder
Received on my email:
> as I am writing down notes on steps taken today, it occured to me that one of the things I had to do to get master-server to build successfully was to change the defaults: aws: ec2: ami: to Canonical's stock Ubuntu 14.04 image rather than the basebox ami that was in the file.  Could this be the issue?  The ami listed is not available to me from US East 1 -- ami-92002785.

The ami listed as a default in [1] for all is currently ami-d90d92ce which is a public Ubuntu 14.04 maintained by Canonical (see [2]).
The ami that is not publicly available is from [3] but this is an eLife-specific configuration - this problems spawned from using elife.yaml rather than continuum.yaml, which is a default we may change in the builder project (it's in the .gitignored file settings.yml).


Giorgio Sironi

Lee Roder

Jul 14, 2017, 1:11:55 PM7/14/17
to Giorgio Sironi, elife-continuum-list, Lee Roder

Thanks!  I have attempted a fair bit more work today and have posted a couple items on the googlegroups channel.  If you and/or Luke could read and reply when you have a chance, that would be awesome!

Lee Roder

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