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Unni Rasmus

Dec 6, 2023, 8:03:59 PM12/6/23
to elephantbird-dev

3D design is used for the free planning of complicated geometries, such as, sloping polygon facades, pyramids, glazed roofs and bays. To achieve this, profiles or profile groups are placed over the axes of a wire model. Cut parts can be automatically computed and the components (e.g., profiles) are output with the cut parts in a parts list or in a drawing. Dedicated master data can be created, containing the profile geometries, material properties, design rules and requirements from production. Based on this master data as well as spatial elements you can design flat elements, such as windows and doors. The 3D design takes into account profile groups, cut parts, processes, sheet metal, glazing and also hardware. It can be displayed as a 3D view, 2D view and through any sections. The extracts can be output as parts lists or as production drawings. An interface to PPC/ERP is available.

If you need to specify multiple story heights within a single story in one of your plans, ATHENA now includes several base heights for the levels. The calculated levels now have the same number of heights as the base heights you determined at the definition level.

athena CAD PLAN


CAD-PLAN was founded in 1989 with the objective of providing a specially tailored CAD system for designers and planners in the fields of metal construction and facade technology. Since then, CAD-PLAN has been growing steadily and today is one of the most innovative and internationally orientated companies in the CAD sector for metal construction and facade technology. Thanks to its functionality and high operating comfort, the core product ATHENA has become established as the most successful CAD solution for facade construction. ATHENA is independent of profile systems and can be matched to individual needs.

CAD-PLAN was founded in 1989 with the intention of providing designers and planners of the the metal construction and façade technology industry with a specially tailored CAD system. Today, the main product ATHENA has developed into the most successful CAD application for façade construction. The ATHENA application is based on AutoCAD, the most widely used CAD program in the world. In the course of time, the product portfolio has been supplemented by other software products. In addition to the products, the main focus is on the range of services. CAD-PLAN maintains partnerships with other software houses as well as with various profile system manufacturers.

There is a need for coordinating resources during planned events, social gatherings, tactical response situations, or natural disasters complete with access to real-time situational data and distribution of up-to-date operation plans with in-the-field planning.

With real-time mapping, ICC users can either select pre-defined templates or create a custom operation plan in the field to instantly assign resources. Real-time communication between users is quickly established with a simple touch of the screen. All information entered within the module is recorded making customized after-action debriefs and incident reports quick and easy, perfect for FEMA reimbursements.

1.2.1: Using ATHENA With Other SILVACO Software .. .. unlock password plc siemens s7 300 rar

athena plant

2.1.2: Loading And Running ATHENA Standard Examples .. ... The block iteration will.

The Athena Sustainable Materials Institute would like to thank the ... Figure 5: Use of an Existing Building for the Reference Building Structure, option 2 (plan view) .. ... prepare a bill of materials output file from a CAD program.

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CAD-PLAN werd meer dan 33 jaar geleden opgericht met als doel ontwerpers en planners in de metaalbouw en de geveltechniek een speciaal op maat gemaakt CAD-systeem te bieden. Inmiddels zijn voor deze sector drie softwareproducten ontwikkeld. Het hoofdproduct, ATHENA, is gebaseerd op het meest succesvolle CAD-programma ter wereld, AutoCAD. In aansluiting hierop is een andere ontwerpsoftware ontwikkeld, genaamd APOLLON. APOLLON is een volledig parametrische 3D CAD/modelleersoftware en is gebaseerd op Autodesk Inventor. Het derde ontwikkelde product is het PDM-systeem CRONOS, dat gebruikt wordt voor het bedrijfsbrede beheer van projectgegevens en ontwerptekeningen gemaakt met ATHENA, APOLLON, AutoCAD of Inventor.

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