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Nov 3, 2022, 4:53:15 PM11/3/22

November 2, 2022
Event Updates, Latest Resources, Articles, and Blogs

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"Though we humans have indeed been slow learners, many have now come to understand that exponential growth cannot be maintained on a finite planet.

At this moment in time, our sense of inter-dependence has largely been uprooted by the insatiable appetite of the global economy. The metaphorical umbilical cord that connects us to Mother Earth has been severed. We are being corralled into cyber space and becoming ever more dependent on technology, stuff, and services to meet our every need.

There is no universal code of right action for us all, for nature never has a single answer. We all have a different set of life circumstances, gifts, and challenges. As the happenings of the world permeate our being, we evolve. Our intuition percolates as new ingredients seep in. And we may just find ourselves guided toward the response that feels right for us — Moment by moment, issue by issue, encounter by encounter. We need just open our hearts and listen deeply.

And bit by bit, the structures that have defined and confined our lives will melt away and become the compost of lived experience that provides needed nutrients as a new civilization emerges from the debris. A civilization that embraces our interconnectedness with all living beings, and one that truly cherishes life’s diversity."

How Ecological Limits and Sense Making Inspire a Shift in Consciousness- New blog from Safe Tech International.


To get tickets and learn more about the event, click here

Scientific Conference on
Radiofrequencies and Health 
November 23, 2022

presented by The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety and the International Agency for Research on Cancer 

This conference will be devoted to the work that the two agencies are carrying out or funding to characterise exposure to radio waves and explore their health effects. For each of the four following topics covered, an introductory talk and several scientific presentations will be given:

• exposure and symptoms

• radiofrequencies and the brain

• radiofrequencies and cancer

• exposure to radiofrequencies

The conference will end with a round-table discussion, during which several participants will discuss the challenges raised by the rapid development of technologies in terms of the long periods of time needed by researchers and scientific experts to identify and assess risks to human health.

This event will be held in person or online. 

Click here for more details.



Dr. Sharon Goldberg | 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit – YouTube


Dr. Goldberg is one of the rare few, a doctor who has become informed about EMF and has become an advocate for educating public officials on behalf of the general public.

Click here to watch the full recording!

Full Webinar Recording of
5G: An Undeniable Risk 

In case you missed the ART webinar "5G: An Undeniable Risk", watch the full video on Americans for Responsible Technology of the October 25th Webinar featuring Dr. Paul Héroux, Dr. Kent Chamberlin, Dr. Sharon Goldberg, Frank Clegg and Andrew Campanelli, Esq.

5G: The Next Extinction?
Presentation for World Council for Health's General Assembly Meeting, Oct. 10, 2022

Speaking at WCH General Assembly #61, Ian Jarvis gave a concerning presentation about the dangers of 5G and wireless technology.

Click here to watch the full recording!

5G in 5 Minutes:
Quick and Rational Guide on 5G Radiation
Share this easy-to-understand infographic widely!

Radio Wave Packet
What You Need to Know about Wireless Technology by Arthur Firstenberg President, Cellular Phone Task Force 

Announcing: Green Street News!
Patti and Doug Wood from Americans for Responsible Technology have a new website with news and podcasts (weekly) about various environmental issues, including EMF/RF.

TechSafeSchool Project
Find excellent resources and learn more about how to address the increasing proliferation of wireless devices in classrooms and schools!

Stay Connected But Protected ECI Stop 5G Newsletter, October 2022

Announcing New Website: 

ICBE-EMF is made up of a multi-disciplinary consortium of scientists, doctors and related professionals who are, or have been, involved with research related to the biological and health effects of electromagnetic frequencies up to and including 300 GHz.

Published today in the journal Environmental Health by ICBE-EMF, “Scientific evidence invalidates health assumptions underlying the FCC and ICNIRP exposure limit determinations for radiofrequency radiation: implications for 5G,” demonstrates how the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the International Commission on Nonionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) have ignored or inappropriately dismissed hundreds of scientific studies documenting adverse health effects at exposures below the threshold dose claimed by these agencies, which was used to establish human exposure limits. ICBE-EMF calls for an independent assessment of the effects and risks of radiofrequency radiation based on scientific evidence from peer-reviewed studies conducted over the past 25 years. 

The aim of such assessment would be to establish health protective exposure standards for workers, the public, and the environment. The public should be informed of the health risks of wireless radiation and encouraged to take precautions to minimize exposures, especially for children, pregnant women and people who are electromagnetically hypersensitive. ICBE-EMF calls for an immediate moratorium on further rollout of 5G wireless technologies until safety is demonstrated and not simply assumed.

Read more about ICBE-EMF on Joel Moskowitz's website and on Microwave News.

"It is mandatory to review environmental radiofrequency electromagnetic field measurement protocols and exposure regulations: an opinion article"
Read the full report published by four Spanish scientists (Lopez I, Rivera M, Feliz N,  Maestu C)

"According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Database in 2004 there were 1.76 billion mobile phone subscriptions in the world, in 2020 this figure increased to 8.27 billion (1). By 2023, there are expected to be 13.1 billion mobile terminals, almost 10% of which will be 5G technology. In conclusion, two main ideas arise: the review of the environmental EMFs measurement protocols and the need for a comprehensive assessment of all the effects of EMFs not only thermal effects."

The lack of international and national health policies to protect persons with self-declared electromagnetic hypersensitivity
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), known also as an idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields (IEI-EMF) or a microwave sickness, is not considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) as being caused by the exposures to electromagnetic fields (EMF). EHS is not recognized as a disease anywhere in the world. Some studies have roughly estimated that 1-10% of the population might experience some form of EHS. However, because of the lack of diagnostic criteria for EHS, these estimates might be either under- or over-estimates. Because the vast majority of human population is exposed to EMF, the possibility of developing EHS from the EMF is a substantial public health issue that should be dealt with globally, even if the individual risk of developing EHS might be small. 
Click here to read the full story. 

Carcinogenesis from chronic exposure to radio-frequency radiation
"ALARA (CDC) = The guiding principle of radiation safety is “ALARA”. ALARA stands for “as low as reasonably achievable”. ALARA means avoiding exposure to radiation that does not have a direct benefit to you, even if the dose is small. To do this, you can use three basic protective measures in radiation safety: time, distance, and shielding. There are consistent indications from epidemiological studies and animal investigations that RF exposure is, at least, probably carcinogenic to humans. The principle of ALARA—as low as reasonably achievable—ought to be adopted as a strategy for RF health and safety protection.

Groupthink or herd mentality is as rampant today as ever. Has science become partisan? And if science becomes partisan, is it science or politics, or would it be political science? At times, science gets wrapped up in politics and politics intervenes with science. It may simply turn out to be a matter of guilelessly being politically correct of the willing. Less than rigorous enforcement of policies in research conduct or full disclosure of financial conflicts can lead to failures in guiding and informing the development of transparent and trustworthy evaluations of scientific evidence for safety protection. Scientists may not always be consistent, coherent, or as transparent as promoted."

Click here to read the full paper.

Large Constellations of Satellites:
Mitigating Environmental and Other Effects
For decades, satellites have been used for GPS, communications, and remote sensing. The number of satellites has recently increased, as thousands more have been launched to provide internet access. But this increase may be disruptive. For example, it could lead to more space debris, which can damage existing satellites used for commerce or national security. We reviewed technologies and other tools to lessen potential effects. We also looked at mitigation challenges, like unclear rules and immature technology. To help address the challenges, we developed policy options, which may help policymakers achieve a variety of goals.

The GAO Report assessed technologies and approaches to evaluate and mitigate the following potential effects:

•    Increase in orbital debris. Debris in space can damage or destroy satellites, affecting commercial services, scientific observation, and national security. Better characterizing debris, increasing adherence to operational guidelines, and removing debris are among the possible mitigations, but achieving these is challenging.
•    Emissions into the upper atmosphere. Rocket launches and satellite reentries produce particles and gases that can affect atmospheric temperatures and deplete the ozone layer. Limiting use of rocket engines that produce certain harmful emissions could mitigate the effects. However, the size and significance of these effects are poorly understood due to a lack of observational data, and it is not yet clear if mitigation is warranted.
•    Disruption of astronomy. Satellites can reflect sunlight and transmit radio signals that obstruct observations of natural phenomena. Satellite operators and astronomers are beginning to explore ways of mitigating these effects with technologies to darken satellites, and with tools to help astronomers avoid or filter out light reflections or radio transmissions. However, the efficacy of these techniques remains in question, and astronomers need more data about the satellites to improve mitigations.

Read the full report here

"I want to inform you all about our Belgian court cases and their European and world-wide relevance. Basing ourselves primarily on the fundamental rights of the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights —a unique approach— we recently submitted our evidence of close to 8000 pages to the Belgian courts. We not only invoke EU fundamental rights but we ask the national judge to ask the European Court of Justice 3 prejudicial questions. You can read more here. Because of the pronounced European dimension in our cases, we believe that what we are doing is of direct relevance to scientists and anti-radiation groups everywhere in Europe, and beyond.

Feel free to contact me if you would like to know more.

Friendly greetings,

Luc Leenders
Coördinator / Maaseik — Belgium"

Click here to read more on the court case.

Call for European collaborative action
to protect cell phone users health

We are counting on both European partner organizations and citizens to take action to achieve real health protection for cell phone users in the wake of the Phonegate industry scandal."

 "Our NGO Phonegate Alert is launching an important collaborative action with Europeans for Safe Connections to write to each of the national telecom regulators in the 26 countries of the European Union.Dr. Marc Arazi and his Phonegate team are attempting to find out if cellphones, and other wireless devices, are being tested in other EU countries, and if so to obtain the test results.

Click here for more information.

You can also watch this Youtube videoThe Phonegate Scandal: Your Phone Is NOT Safe, with Dr. Arazi.

US Congress Is Moving Forward On
Classified 6G Wireless

Congress is moving forward on classified 6G wireless communications systems, even though microwave irradiating infrastructures (3G/4G/5G and now 6G) are vigorously opposed by communities around the nation and worldwide, due to their hazardous pollution emissions continuously contaminating the environment, and the built-in, unwarranted surveillance this technology enables.
Click here to read more.

T-ray technology is moving from sci-fi to mainstream
Terahertz (T-ray) technologies offer the promise to transform how we interact with the world around us, from delivering lightning-fast data transfer beyond 6G to providing X-ray-like imaging without any harmful radiation. Yet effectively and efficiently harnessing T-rays for mainstream commercial applications has continued to elude scientists and engineers, relegating T-ray technologies to the realm of science fiction. 

Click here for the full story.

A Back-door Strategy Successfully Leapfrogs Government Gridlock
to Stymie Future Wireless Overreach
Local activists in the U.S. are concerned about the accelerating push of huge towers and distributed 5G minicell systems. They have heard often that revising their local city or county telecommunications code is an essential safeguard against FCC-enabled stealth and bullying tactics of Big Wireless. There is an expertly recognized body of recently developed legally protective clauses needed to bolster old codes. They empower governments to take back local control of planning and safety from Big Wireless. The challenge is to get local authorities to act as they fear technical complexity and they tremble about legal trouble from the FCC or big telecoms. They hide behind inaction, citing budget and staff shortages. After navigating a maze of trial and error, Mark Wahl of
CLEAR put together a quick, successful pathway for informed citizens to achieve a state-of-the art protective wireless code; it uses a fraction of the usual time, expense, and effort.

Click here for the full story.

United Kingdom: EMF/RF/5G Resistance & Recent Progress, Part 1 of 3

Although the mainstream media in the U.S. has failed to provide coverage, several significant decisions have recently been made in different countries regarding inadequate safety protections for wireless technologies and infrastructure.

Click here for the full blog.

EMF/RF/5G Spotlight on the UK: By the Numbers Part 2 of 3
Part 1 highlights the historic UK Frome decision and other recent international developments challenging the telecommunications industry. Despite the fact that Public Health England deferred to irrelevant ICNIRP guidelines which only protect against thermal heating effects caused by short term exposures, campaigners in the UK have had a tremendous impact in opposing the installation of telecommunications infrastructure (masts) In Frome, councilors considered other sources of evidence about the known hazards (other than ICNIRP).

Click here for the full story.

IT Architect, writer, speaker and consultant Miguel Coma on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of 5G:
Watch Pt. 1
Watch Pt. 2
Watch Pt. 3 

What Drives This Need for Electricity?
by Birgitta Jansen

Carbon Footprint of 5G
by Asif Naqda 

5G Will Increase Not Reduce Carbon Emissions
Slide show by Philippa Winkler PhD


"Undeniable - A Risk Too Great to Take"
A song written and produced by ART National Director Doug Wood and performed by Eden White. This song is dedicated to the tens of millions of moms who put the protection of their kids' health and safety ahead of the profits of the wireless industry.

"A Song For Our Times"
Music, composition, lyrics and piano: Kate Kheel; vocalist: Claire Stadtmueller; video editing: Amber Yang; audio editing: Dave Bowden

No Protocol 2/ No 5G (Official Video)
No Protocol 2 is a Rhythm and Blues song describing the hazards of 5G technology. Words and music by Gabby Brady.

Words and Music by Jalalo
Musicians:  Jalalo, Steve Berry, Kamal Engels, Marley Berry-Pearce

"I Am Calling"
By Jimmy Lindsjö - a song about replacing electrosmog with harmonious energy and signals. Singalong with this karaoke version!

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