EXTIO 3, 4, 5, 6 on SBMS0 with Wifi

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Feb 7, 2021, 5:04:26 PM2/7/21
to electrodacus
I've tried searching and reading many posts but still am a little foggy on some aspects of these.
Hope I'm not rehashing something clearly answered multiple times..
I'm not very familiar with wiring relays and optocouplers in any recent periods so need to check my understandings. 

I have an older Quattro which may not have the AUX IO input to "Allow to Charge".  Just the "Temp Sense" = Allow to Discharge inputs. (checking soon via a 3rd party). 
I also have a Smart Solar MPPT with remote on/off cable as my other charge source.
And I will have a Battery Protect for some miscellaneous DC Loads. 

Q1. I understand now that with Wifi board EXTIO 5 and 6 are optocoupled now on the 16pin connector. Correct ?

So EXTIO 3 by default is the inverter (i.e LOAD)  on/off control , and EXTIO 4 the charger On/off.

Q2.  If my Quattro lacks the AUX IO, to control its charging will I need a separate relay on the AC input(s) (Generator and shore power in my case) ?

Q3. Can I share ExtIO 4 with my SmartSolar MPPT remote, AND either the Quattro or other Relays on the AC inputs ? How to wire ?  Or should I use EXTIO5 configured appropriately for the SmartSolar MPPT ? 

Q4.  Similar with EXTIO3 , can it drive both the temp sense input to the Quattro AND the battery protect, or should I use EXTIO6 configured appropriately for the battery protect ?

I'm confused a bit about the "Type" values for programming EXTIOx and SOC values. 

Q5. If I specify a SOC value to switch on or off on these, will they still also switch on/off on appropriate high or low voltage or low temperature values ? 

The manual does not seem to discuss the various type value settings for these and how it works with SOC  settings for them, and if they also work where needed for LVD and HVD and Low temperature stop charging ?

Thanks.. Peter

Dacian Todea

Feb 7, 2021, 5:25:34 PM2/7/21
to electrodacus

Q1.  Yes on the new SBMS0 you no longer need to get the WiFi/USB board to have the IO5 and IO6 that are available on the 16pin green connector mounted on the main SBMS0 unit.
Q2. Not sure how old will that Quattro need to be not to have Aux IO ports. But if it has no Aux IO then you will need a SSR on the AC input to allow SBMS0 to be able to stop the charging.
Q3. If you use a Solid State Relay then yes  but else the Aux input is just 5V so it will need to be separated from the MPPT that has remote working at battery voltage level.
Q4. Again same problem the Temp sense is also 5V max and Battery protect uses battery voltage so the two need to be isolated from each other.  All EXT IOx are the same and type 1 is for charge sources and type 2 is for loads.
Q5. If you use type 3 or type 4 then you can have the SOC based limit and yes the low or high voltage limits will override this settings. So say you set the IO3 as type 4 for an inverter and set a limit of 30% below witch the inverter is turned OFF then if something is wrong with the SOC calculation (maybe incorect battery capacity or wrong current shunt settings) and SOC is still say at 60% but battery is actually empty one of the cells is belwo 2.8V then IO3 will still turn OFF the inverter even if SOC is not below 30% .
The types are described on the SBMS scrolling help and in the manual type 1 and 2 is mostly mentioned as that is what you should normally use.  Type 3 and 4 where mostly designed to be used a alarms not to switch off devices. Maybe for inverter it makes sense to use type 4 at 30 or 40% but for charge sources you can not use type 3 unless you have multiple charge sources as battery needs to be fully charged so that SOC value calibrated to that full 3.55V charge.
Low or high temperature limits (if you set any) will stop both charge and discharge as it is considered an error. For low temperature the only proper solution is to have the battery in an insulated and heated box. 


Feb 7, 2021, 9:07:43 PM2/7/21
to electrodacus
Thanks Dacian for a clear and quick response (as usual !) 
So assuming I need to use SSRs (one for AC1in [shoreline] and AC2in [generator] ) as my quattro lacks Aux IO, I think this means I connect like this:

EXTIO3+ pin14 to  B+ 24V nominal (direct or via a 4k Resistor ?)
EXTIO3- pin13  to   MPPT Remote Cable 'signal'  and   'SSR1 Sig+' and 'SSR2 Sig+'      SSR1 and 2 Sig- to B- (Gnd).    

EXTIO3 left as default config Charger Control for HVD,  Type 2

EXTIO4+ pin12 to  Quattro Temp Sense +
EXTIO4- pin11 to Quattro Temp Sense -          default config Type1 for LVD

EXTIO5+ pin10 to  Battery Protect   Remote L
EXTIO5- pin9  to Battery Protect  Remote H       Config Type1 for LVD ..

If my Quattro does have AUX IO I would connect 

EXTIO3+ pin14 to  Quattro AUX IO +
EXTIO3- pin13  to  Quattro AUX IO -         and leave IO3 as Type2 for HVD

and configure IO6 for MPPT control.  (Type2 HVD) 
EXTIO6+ pin8  to B+ 24V (direct or via a 4k Resistor ?)
EXTIO6- pin7 to  MPPT Remote Cable Signal

EXTIO4 and 5 would be as in the first case. 

Dacian Todea

Feb 8, 2021, 1:41:46 AM2/8/21
to electrodacus
If your Quattro is that old that it has no Aux I/O meaning also no Assistant then you can not use the Temp sense as remote ON/OFF there will be a dedicated remote ON/OFF connection that can be used to turn OFF the inverter in case any cell below 2.8V

EXT IO3 as default is set as type 2 and that means LVD so it will be used to remote ON/OFF loads like an inverter or Victron battery protect for smaller DC loads.
EXT IO4 as default is set as type 1 and that means HVD so will be used to remote ON/OFF charge sources.
I will use a smaller value resistor like a 1KOhm should be good with a 24V battery as what you try to do is limit the current in case of a short circuit to GND to no more than around 50mA protecting the EXT IOx. So 26V typical for a 8s LiFePO4 divided by 1kOhm = 26mA x 26V =0.67W so a 1W resistor should be fine.


Feb 9, 2021, 5:49:08 PM2/9/21
to electrodacus


Thanks for correcting my mixup of IO3/4 defaults and Type definitions..

For completeness this is now my understanding and intention to wire..

EXTIO3+ pin13 to  Quattro Remote ON/Off             (type of Quattro on/off to be confirmed).

EXTIO3- pin14 to Quattro Remote ON/OFF           default config Type2 for LVD  (turn off Inverter/Loads)


EXTIO4+ pin12 to  B+ 24V nominal via a 1k 1W Resistor            default config Charger Control for HVD,  Type 1 

EXTIO4- pin11  to   MPPT Remote Cable 'signal'  and   'SSR1 Sig+' and 'SSR2 Sig+'      SSR1 and 2 Sig- to B- (Gnd).    

EXTIO5+ pin10 to  Battery Protect   Remote L

EXTIO5- pin9  to Battery Protect  Remote H       Config Type2 for LVD ..

For ref attached is a rough mockup off my intended install.  (I'm loving LucidDraw after a few hrs managed to hack this together).

Dacian Todea

Feb 9, 2021, 6:03:28 PM2/9/21
to electrodacus
You are not allowed to have that fuse on the battery positive. The fuse needs to be after the current shunts as current shunt should always be at the battery+ potential.
The EXT IOx look OK you just need to check if your Quattro has or not Aux inputs.

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