Fw: earth quake??

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Leslie Clark

Jan 26, 2010, 11:11:42 AM1/26/10
to Mission List, kmkil...@yahoo.com, lindaw...@hotmail.com, Clinten Woodcox, denise, Greg Woodcox, Jan Clark, Jim and Jen Gilliland, Joan Woodcox, Kathy Woodcox, Larry Woodcox, Leilani Ashdown, rick, Riley Creps, Samie Woodcox
Earth Quake?? Earth Quake??  Oh Boy, just one more thing to add to my plate of worries!!! Be sure to keep the Elders all over the world in your prayers.....
(he said it was about a scale 3)which i believe is about 3 scales too much!!
The Clark family hopes you are all healthy and happy
Leslie Clark 
Elder Chris Clark Joao Pessoa - 8/10

hey friends and family

well this past week was... interesting.. but on pday after we had already written home we were lying in our beds when all of a sudden everything started to shake and rubble as if a car was passing ontop of our 3 story apartment... it was such a wierd feeling and it only lasted like 3 seconds.. elder Richard thought that i was under his bed shaking him but when he turned to see me on my bed he starting freaking out saying... earthquake!! earthquak!!!

so yeah that was exciting. its been raining a lot, so that really hurts our numbers in the church, there are not many people that will go out into the rain just to visit the church.. which stinks because if we dont bring anybody to church then we wont have anybody to baptise... so yeah we are hoping for a miracale (i forgot how to spell)
we had a conference with all the missinoarys in paraiba yesterday, it was good to see my friends like.. Elder Gilliland, Elder Dorneles, Elder A Santos, Elder Keetch, Elder Lew, and the rest of the gang... everybody seems fine and the mission right now is really struggling with our #1 problem of retention, the mission is having about a 70% retention rate, which should be a lot higher if we want our branches and wards and stakes to grow. so we are focusing more on BAPTISING worthy converts... so we decided there is 2 sides of the table... on one side, there are missionarys who think that before a person is ready to be baptised they need to have a vision and speak to joseph smith or somthing extrodinary like that.... then on the other side of the table we have missionarys who baptise anybody and everybody (including the dog) **yes that has happened**... im more on this side of the table... yes maybe i dont baptise dogs.. but i believe that everybody who has a sincire desire to be baptised should and MUST be baptised as fast as possible; if a person is keeping the commandments and has shown a desire (going to church with us sunday) its just nature.. they must be baptised, and recieve the holy ghost.

anyways friends and family... be without fear.. stop inviting our friends and family to ACTIVITIES... invite them TO HEAR THE ELDERS invite them to be BAPTISED as was Jesus,  so that they can live for all eternity with God and with their family in a state of happynes without end. sure we can help people visit and learn more about the church.. but if they are not baptised and have not yet entered through the door that leads to the straight and narrow path, all we have done is condemned our loved ones.
Hel. 14: 19, 29
  19 Therefore repent ye, repent ye, lest by knowing these things and not doing them ye shall suffer yourselves to come under condemnation, and ye are brought down unto this second death.
      •  •  •
  29 And this to the intent that whosoever will believe might be saved, and that whosoever will not believe, a righteous judgment might come upon them; and also if they are condemned they bring upon themselves their own condemnation.
i know that we must help everybody we can, but we must be careful to help them the best way we can. teach about the restoration and the absolute NEED to be baptised and keep the commandments of god... remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of god.

all of my love to everybody

elder clark

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