Fw: Happy Monday~!

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Leslie Clark

Mar 15, 2010, 12:02:08 PM3/15/10
to kmkil...@yahoo.com, lindaw...@hotmail.com, Clinten Woodcox, denise, Greg Woodcox, Jan Clark, Jim and Jen Gilliland, Joan Woodcox, Kathy Woodcox, Larry Woodcox, Leilani Ashdown, Mission List, rick, Samie Woodcox

Leslie Clark 

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Christopher Erin Clark <christop...@myldsmail.net>
To: Leslie Clark <lclar...@gmail.com>
Sent: Mon, March 15, 2010 8:04:39 AM
Subject: Re: Happy Monday~!

hey family and friends!!
well everything went great this week,, the week started out good, we went to that restaurant, sal e brasa (the best bbq in the state) it was fantastic... we worked a lot this week, it was all great, thursday we had an activity in the church and it was called BOLO MACHO or (man cake)... so all the men (that could) made a cake and the women were the judge, it was super fun we had many investigators and baptism there, but the best part is that the cake i made WON!! i got in my recipes and made  two huge pans of brownies!! (not exactly cake, but hey... it won) everybody loved it, i even made a homemade chocolate sauce to put on top!!
sunday we baptised Jacinta! she is super awesome, her son was baptised a while back and is super strong in the church, so we went and she decided to be baptised... it was funny, she was super scared of the water, so when her and i went into the water she would NOT go under, i must have said the prayer like 20 times. but she just couldnt get her face under the water... super scared.... so then after many different pósses... i called in another man in the ward to come help me, so he entered and we tried again... nothing was working... are last hope was to show her it was super easy..... so the guy (diego) showed her how i was going to baptise her... .by baptising me... so yeah i was baptised too... then she felt a little more comfortable seeing that i didnt die during the process!!
many attempts were made but STILL she would not go under the water ( she was very strong for an old lady)
so then ... deigo looked at me.. and i looked at him... i nodded and he nodded then BAM... he kicked her legs out from under her and i grabbed her in a bear hug and went down with her... (i felt like a murderer) but when she and i came up out of the water everybody in the room applauded! haha so yeah.. this baptism will go down in the wards history books.... 30 min in the water and one more soul saved!!!
so yeah... hey i love everybody, all is well with us. we are in good health and everything is going great in our ward!!! yippee!!!
ill send pictures in the next email!!!
love elder clark

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