Hello Everyone,
I am sure you are all wondering how Elder Clark is doing...He has not written a "letter to all" for a while so I thought I would share his letter to me this week, describing his birthday weekend.....21, I still can't believe he is 21....
hey mama!!!
im doing great, full of health and all that good stuff, we cleaned the house like crazy yesterday which was needed SOOOO much, now its actually possible to see our table.
my birthday started out a little rocky because we were still without water, so we decided to walk to the church 30 min walking, but as we were crossing the college campus we heard ppl playing soccer, and we thought, hey where there are ppl playing soccer usually there are showers... so we went and looked and sure enough there was a shower room, although only 2 of the 9 showers were usable (u dont want to know why) we took our showers then went back home. Then we did some followups with our investigators, should have 5 baptisms this week, all adults... then elder l. silva and i ate an icecream cone, when we got back home elder pujol and dzikovicz were at home so we all decided to go eat out(thanks grma & grpa Woodcox). we all got in our best clothes and headed
out!!. it was great. took some pictures and then went home. overall it was a great day!
i think i will make that cake you sent today.... yesterday in the church everybody knew it was my birthday, but anyway, in church i received tons of presents .... a travel pillow and the thing you put over your eyes to sleep... a pen and pencil set.... 40 bucks.. worm medicine.. . and even a cake that the bishops wife made... it was great!
and to top things off all of our investigators were at the church and they all came ALONE!! without us going to get them, it was super terrific.
so yeah, thats about it, im sure i left some things out, but yeah
Elder clark