... it didnt
hey family and friends...
well for the first time in my mission i DID NOT WANT to be transfered, but ... guess who was transfered... yup thats right... i was.
so now i am back AGAIN in joão pessoa, i will be opening an area called bela vista. with my new companion elder Silveira, i think he will be cool, because well all of my companions have been cool. (one of the many blessings i have recieved)
but anyway, yesterday was super sad, we received the transfer early, so we had time to go say goodbye to everybody. it was like a big cry party. I really did not expect to be transfered, i thought that i would be able to stay one more with elder Richard because he only has one transfer before he goes home, but i was wrong.
well here in the north east of brazil this past weekend was called São João, (saint john) basically its a holiday or excuse for the men to dress up like women and go dancing and drinking in the streets. it was like a ghost town... because there in guarabira there isnt anything to do, there is no beach there is no mall there is no movies... so EVERYBODy... well almost everybody left town for the weekend, it was really funny, becuase we found ourselves roaming the streets all alone, a strange feeling for two missionaries.
haha and Sunday was funny because us missionarys brought about 10 investigators making the grand total of people attending 20... so we only had sacrament meeting because of the fault of teachers. but it was a good meeting, the elderes had to bless and pass the sacrament and i had to give a 20 min talk.. yipee.. but me being the intelligent person that i am gave the second lesson to all of my new investigators.
well i had so much planned for today, the family that we have been working with for like... ever.. finally set a date to get married and getting married means being able to be baptised!!! but guess what day the wedding is... yes thats right, its tonight... the one day that the branch pres. could do it was TONIGHT>. the day i was trasfered. its the pits.. when i called to tell them that i had been transfered and that another missionary would be coming in my place, they were completely shocked, they wanted to come to joao pessoa to do the wedding but i talked them into staying there. This family has really meant a lot to me during my time here in guarabira they are the most kind and loving family i have ever met, unfortunatly i will be unable to attend the wedding and also the baptism... but thats why the lord invented Digital Cameras :) I know that João and Vitoria will live a long and happy life raising their children in the church! this feeling
is the best feeling i think a missionary can have.. after all, the gospel is, afterall a roadmap for our familys, showing us each and every turn along our way.
well im sure hoping and praying that all goes well in this new area and with my new companion, love you all and hope everybody is doing good, i will send some pictures of us at FREI Damiao (huge statue of a fryer that the people absolutely adore)
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