thanks mom, i will try it today! the cookies... thanks i love you, time today is shorter than normal,,, dont have time to write to everybody, but tell everybody i am super good, the week was great, i had my anniversary... 1 year and 3 months. and time is going super fast. my son (elder a santos is doing great, he will be a powerfull missionary... i called elder gilliland a few days ago, he is doing good, another great missionary!!! im pretty excited .... mike comes home tomorrow... and i am super trunky, i dreamed that you and dad came to get me here from brasil and we had 3 weeks to do what we wanted, it was great! well i got to go... give everybody a hug,,, much love elder clark ps.. i love getting mail... bye P.S. From Leslie.......If any of you are writing to Elder Clark and have a yummy, EASY receipe you would like to add, he would love it!! (especially desserts but also others too)
Leslie Clark
Elder Chris Clark Joao Pessoa - 8/10 |