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Fw: happy thanksgiving all

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Leslie Clark

Nov 25, 2009, 11:19:49 AM11/25/09
to Paul Clark, Mission List
I am so THANKFUL that my boy it happy~!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all.  Thank you for your support of Elder Clark.

Leslie Clark 
Elder Chris Clark Joao Pessoa - 8/10

From: Christopher Clark
Subject: happy thanksgiving all
Date: Wednesday, November 25, 2009, 7:47 AM

hey everybody,

well finally i was transfered, i will be going to another city here close to joao pessoa, its called guarabira, should be super crazy because we will have 3 groups of elders working with the same Branch!!! so we are going to be baptising like crazy, and we will be trying to get so much people that it will become a ward really soon. i am super sad to leave rangel, i spent this whole week saying goodbye to the tons of people that i have come to know and love, it was hard to say goodbye, but i really did need a break from that place. my new companion will be elder Dorneles he was the companion of elder a santos in the ctm ... so he is still a newby, but its going to be super great...

well thanksgiving arrived, i just wanted to tell everybody that i LOVE you all, and i am SOOO thankfull to be here on the mission in brazil, and to be with these awesome people here in brasil, i am so gratefull for my friends and family and for all that you do for me, i feel your prayers everyday. i am so gratefull for the calling that i have, for the chance that i have to teach and baptise and help our brothers and sisters come unto christ. there is just nothing else you can do that would be better. i am most grateful for our Savior, Jesus Christ, for his sacrifice that he made for each one of us. I KNOW< that we are all brothers and sisters and that the love we feel for one another is NOTHING compared to the love that our father in heaven feels for each of us... i am so grateful to know these things.. i hope each one of you is so grateful to be alive and to know that we have a loving heavenly father..

love elder clark

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