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Shanker Gupta

Mar 23, 2016, 1:12:35 PM3/23/16

Am in mess right now, I came down here to Manila, Philippines for a short vacation unfortunately i was mugged at the park of the hotel i stayed, My cell phone was stolen off me  but luckily i still have my passport with me. I have been to the embassy and the Police here but they're not helping issues at all and i tried to access my account from the cash machines here and its not working, i went to the bank to withdraw and was informed that i can't withdraw from my account in some countries,that its network errors,and i have an outstanding hotel bills of $3,850USD but a friend already help me with $1,100USD I'm wondering if i could get a quick loan of $2,750USD from you or anything you can afford to loan me to clear some little things here and also take a cab to the airport i promise to refund it as soon as i get back home, let me know so i can send you my details to send the money.

I'm freaked out at the moment.
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