EJUG Meeting Tuesday, April 22: RESTful Web Services

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Basil Vandegriend

Apr 16, 2014, 2:27:47 PM4/16/14
to ej...@googlegroups.com

EJUG is meeting from 12 noon to 1pm on Tuesday, April 22nd in the Western boardroom in the basement of the Canadian Western Bank building, located at 10303 Jasper Ave. 

Topic: RESTful Web Services

The presentation will discuss about what is REST (REpresentational State Transfer), and what is HATEOAS (Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State), with examples. Then there will be a discussion about how to design RESTful API.

Presenter: Yuan Ji

Yuan Ji is an independent IT consultant, living in Edmonton Alberta. He has been working with Enterprise Business Application development using Java for more than 13 years. You can find more about him at his website https://www.jiwhiz.com

Yuan Ji

Apr 22, 2014, 11:00:00 PM4/22/14
to ej...@googlegroups.com
Thanks everyone for attending my presentation. The slides can be found here https://www.jiwhiz.com/presentation/2014_03_REST/. Please leave your feedback to https://www.jiwhiz.com/post/2014/4/EJUG_Presentation_RESTful_Web_Services

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