Thank you!
Also thanks for the (updated) instructions on how to compile EiffelStudio from source code:
I used it to update my local batch file that I use to prepare the environment and compile EiffelStudio.
Yesterday I also updated my local clone of the EiffelStudio git repository with the recent changes in it and wanted to recompile everything. Unfortunately compiling the C libraries reported errors when executing 'espawn "geant prepare"'. One was:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\NuGet\17.0\Microsoft.NuGet.targets(198,5): er
ror : Your project does not reference ".NETFramework,Version=v4.7" framework. Add a reference to ".NETFramework,Version
=v4.7" in the "TargetFrameworks" property of your project file and then re-run NuGet restore. [C:\Users\thomas\Document
After installing the .NET Framework 4.7 Developer Pack it worked. Until then I only installed Visual Studio Community 2022 including the .NET desktop development components and it worked previously (some weeks ago before updating the local EiffelStudio git repository).
Ok, so yesterday I got it all compiled. But today I got the same errors when compiling the C libraries using the geant command. And I found out that it works if I delete all previously generated files (using the Github Desktop application I delete all added files) in this compilation process before starting geant.
I am confused: Is the .NET Framework 4.7 really needed for the C library compilation process and what causes the errors to reappear without deleting the generated files?
BTW: I wrote and sent this answer already yesterday (with different text of course because I don't have a copy of it) but it seems that it was deleted. I also see a small note at the bottom on this page saying "Die post was deleted". Why was it deleted?
Jocelyn Fiat schrieb am Montag, 17. Juni 2024 um 10:01:07 UTC+2: