I have the system working for the "resave" option, but after studying the code, I am still unsure how to adapt it for my use. I want to read an ecf file and from it create a new ecf with a new name identical to the first except with the following changes,
for each library (and cluster) name: prepend each subdirectory name with a prefix such as
<library name="test" location = "$JJ_SOURCE\persistence\tools\test_other\test_other.ecf"/>
<library name="pp_test" location = $PP_JJ_SOURCE\pp_persistence\pp_tools\pp_test_other\pp_test_other.ecf"/>
I cannot find the point in the code where the location's name can be changed/printed. I thought maybe `all_libraries' from CONF_SYSTEM, but that table remains empty as the system runs.
Can you point me in the right direction?
Also, this does not seem to explore ecf files mentioned within the parsed ecf, is that correct?