graph-safe.ecf:11: <option
full_class_checking="true" is_attached_by_default="true"
void_safety="all" syntax="standard" namespace="EiffelSoftware.Library.Graph">
full_class_checking, is_attached_by_default, and syntax
can be removed.
model/eg_item.e:34: -- Unique id
Shouldn't period be kept?
physics/eg_particle_simulation.e:106: check anchor_type_only: False end It's better to change that to
check False then end
and remove the rest, including local variable.
physics/eg_particle_simulation_bh.e:105: check l_result /= Void then -- Implied by previsous if cluase and postcondition of `traverse_tree'
I'd better change the previous "if" to "check" and remove this instruction. l_result can be removed as well.
File physics/eg_vector2d.e (right):
physics/eg_vector2d.e:112: check l_result /= Void then -- Satisfy void-safe compiler Previous "check false end" can be changed to "check false then end" end the rest, including local variable, can be removed.
physics/eg_vector2d.e:123: check l_result /= Void then -- Satisfy void-safe compiler Previous "check false end" can be changed to "check false then end" end the rest, including local variable, can be removed.
File model/eg_linkable.e (right):
model/eg_linkable.e:33: check attached name as al_name then Actually looking at the code, I don't think we ever verify that `name'
is not Void before using it, so I think we should make this query detachable, or provide a default name if none is set.
It is only used by the XML code to generate a valid XML code, but the name comes from the XML to begin with.
File physics/eg_force_directed_layout_n2.e (right):
physics/eg_force_directed_layout_n2.e:258: check l_other /= Void then --
FIXME: Implied by...?
It might be more changes but I would recommend removing that and change EG_LINK_FIGURE to setup both `source' and `target' so that they are never Void. In practice, this is what happens since we always create descendants of EG_LINK_FIGURE with a model EG_LINK for which they are never Void.
File physics/eg_particle_simulation.e (right):
physics/eg_particle_simulation.e:107: check l_result /= Void then -- Satisfy void safe compiler Actually here this is for typing only, so the whole body should be replaced by just:
-- Typing only
check False then end
File physics/eg_particle_simulation_bh.e (left):
physics/eg_particle_simulation_bh.e:105: check l_result /= Void end -- Implied by previsous if cluase and postcondition of `traverse_tree'
I would change the creation procedure of this class to create `quad_tree' and make `quad_tree' attached. That way most of the code doesn't need checks.
File physics/eg_particle_simulation_bh.e (right):
physics/eg_particle_simulation_bh.e:127: check attached node.particle as al_particle then -- Implied by `is_leaf'
This is annoying, I would have 2 EG_QUAD_TREEs: EG_QUAD_TREE (where the
4 sub elements are attached and no particle) and EG_QUAD_TREE_LEAF that has a particle which is attached.
It might change the way we build the quad tree but seems easier. Now instead of doing node.is_leaf, we just do an object test attached {EG_QUAD_TREE_LEAF} node as l_leaf.
File physics/eg_particle_simulation_n2.e (left):
physics/eg_particle_simulation_n2.e:37: Result := l_result I would change the code but since the class has been made obsolete for a long time now and is not in use for us, I would remove the class altogether.
File physics/eg_quad_tree.e (left):
physics/eg_quad_tree.e:53: check l_particle /= Void end -- Implied by invariant `leaf_has_particle_inner_nodes_do_not'
See my previous comment about rewritting EG_QUAD_TREE to avoid too much checks by splitting the class in 2 descendants.
File physics/eg_spring_energy.e (left):
physics/eg_spring_energy.e:102: check l_result /= Void end -- Satisfy void-safe compiler Use `check False then end' since this is for typing purpose only. Forgot to say it at the previous occurrence, but we should add a precondition `require False' as well, since this is not made to be called.
File physics/eg_spring_particle.e (left):
physics/eg_spring_particle.e:121: Result := l_result See other comments about queries used for just typing purpose.
File physics/eg_vector2d.e (right):
physics/eg_vector2d.e:43: check attached x as al_x then -- Implied by precondition `set'
We actually need to check callers of those and remove this. It was a bad initial void-safety conversion that is the cause of this code.
This is even worse, when you look at the caller such as `zero' there is no precondition to prevent that at all.
File view/eg_circle_layout.e (right):
view/eg_circle_layout.e:110: check l_cluster /= Void then -- FIXME:
Implied by ...?
This is a command, so I would simply write:
if l_cluster /= Void then
... the line of today
check cluster_preset: False end
File view/eg_cluster_figure.e (right):
view/eg_cluster_figure.e:202: if attached world as al_world then We prefer to use just `l_world'.
File view/eg_figure.e (left):
view/eg_figure.e:41: l_model: like model I've looked at all descendants of EG_FIGURE in the library and EiffelStudio (haven't done so with the graph example), it seems that a figure is always created with a model, so making it attached, and promoting `make_with_model' instead of `default_create' would be beneficial to this class and descendants.
File view/eg_figure_factory.e (left):
view/eg_figure_factory.e:85: l_world: like world Let's change the code so that the creation procedure sets the world to begin with, or if this is not possible, create an empty world.
File view/eg_figure_world.e (left):
view/eg_figure_world.e:70: make_with_model (a_model: like model) Why not making `model' attached? I see this is because if `make_filled'
that we need to keep because `new_filled_list' is calling it, let's change the definition so that it calls `make_with_model' too.
view/eg_figure_world.e:1078: l_rect := multi_select_rectangle Remove `is_multiselection_mode' by an object test on `multi_select_rectangle' instead.
view/eg_figure_world.e:1110: check l_rect /= Void end -- Implied by `is_multiselection_mode'
Same here
view/eg_figure_world.e:1144: check l_rect /= Void end -- Implied by `is_multiselection_mode'
Same here.
File view/eg_link_figure.e (left):
view/eg_link_figure.e:32: check l_model /= Void end -- Implied by precondition `model_not_void'
Force callers to call `make_with_model' to avoid checking for model that is always attached in practice.
File view/eg_linkable_figure.e (right):
view/eg_linkable_figure.e:300: check attached world as al_world then -- Implied by precondition `ready'
Would be nice to make `world' attached all the time, but this could prove a little bit more difficult. But in any case, no need to use `check', here, just if is sufficient and in the else part a `check False end'.
File view/eg_polyline_link_figure.e (left):
view/eg_polyline_link_figure.e:542: l_target := target If we can make `source' and `target' attached as mentionned before, that would simplify the code a lot.
File view/eg_polyline_link_figure.e (right):
view/eg_polyline_link_figure.e:55: check attached model as al_model then
-- FIXME: Implied by ...?
See before, we can make `model' attached.
File view/eg_resizable_cluster_figure.e (left):
view/eg_resizable_cluster_figure.e:137: if xml_routines.xml_boolean (node, is_user_sized_string) then I don't like the code here, we know that it is a boolean value, but then we need to check again. Maybe the xml parser should return a boolean value object that we can use to get a string from.
File view/eg_simple_link.e (left):
view/eg_simple_link.e:54: prune_all (line) We can simply use an object test on `reflexive' and have an invariant that says: model.is_reflexive = (reflexive /= Void)
File view/eg_simple_link.e (right):
view/eg_simple_link.e:139: check attached reflexive as al_reflexive then
-- FIXME: Implied by ...?
As above, let's use an object test.
File model/eg_linkable.e (right):
model/eg_linkable.e:33: check attached name as al_name then Actually looking at the code, I don't think we ever verify that `name'
is not Void before using it, so I think we should make this query detachable, or provide a default name if none is set.
It is only used by the XML code to generate a valid XML code, but the name comes from the XML to begin with.
File physics/eg_force_directed_layout_n2.e (right):
physics/eg_force_directed_layout_n2.e:258: check l_other /= Void then --
FIXME: Implied by...?
It might be more changes but I would recommend removing that and change EG_LINK_FIGURE to setup both `source' and `target' so that they are never Void. In practice, this is what happens since we always create descendants of EG_LINK_FIGURE with a model EG_LINK for which they are never Void.
File physics/eg_particle_simulation.e (right):
physics/eg_particle_simulation.e:107: check l_result /= Void then -- Satisfy void safe compiler Actually here this is for typing only, so the whole body should be replaced by just:
-- Typing only
check False then end
File physics/eg_particle_simulation_bh.e (left):
physics/eg_particle_simulation_bh.e:105: check l_result /= Void end -- Implied by previsous if cluase and postcondition of `traverse_tree'
I would change the creation procedure of this class to create `quad_tree' and make `quad_tree' attached. That way most of the code doesn't need checks.
File physics/eg_particle_simulation_bh.e (right):
physics/eg_particle_simulation_bh.e:127: check attached node.particle as al_particle then -- Implied by `is_leaf'
This is annoying, I would have 2 EG_QUAD_TREEs: EG_QUAD_TREE (where the
4 sub elements are attached and no particle) and EG_QUAD_TREE_LEAF that has a particle which is attached.
It might change the way we build the quad tree but seems easier. Now instead of doing node.is_leaf, we just do an object test attached {EG_QUAD_TREE_LEAF} node as l_leaf.
File physics/eg_particle_simulation_n2.e (left):
physics/eg_particle_simulation_n2.e:37: Result := l_result I would change the code but since the class has been made obsolete for a long time now and is not in use for us, I would remove the class altogether.
File physics/eg_quad_tree.e (left):
physics/eg_quad_tree.e:53: check l_particle /= Void end -- Implied by invariant `leaf_has_particle_inner_nodes_do_not'
See my previous comment about rewritting EG_QUAD_TREE to avoid too much checks by splitting the class in 2 descendants.
File physics/eg_spring_energy.e (left):
physics/eg_spring_energy.e:102: check l_result /= Void end -- Satisfy void-safe compiler Use `check False then end' since this is for typing purpose only. Forgot to say it at the previous occurrence, but we should add a precondition `require False' as well, since this is not made to be called.
File physics/eg_spring_particle.e (left):
physics/eg_spring_particle.e:121: Result := l_result See other comments about queries used for just typing purpose.
File physics/eg_vector2d.e (right):
physics/eg_vector2d.e:43: check attached x as al_x then -- Implied by precondition `set'
We actually need to check callers of those and remove this. It was a bad initial void-safety conversion that is the cause of this code.
This is even worse, when you look at the caller such as `zero' there is no precondition to prevent that at all.
File view/eg_circle_layout.e (right):
view/eg_circle_layout.e:110: check l_cluster /= Void then -- FIXME:
Implied by ...?
This is a command, so I would simply write:
if l_cluster /= Void then
... the line of today
check cluster_preset: False end
File view/eg_cluster_figure.e (right):
view/eg_cluster_figure.e:202: if attached world as al_world then We prefer to use just `l_world'.
File view/eg_figure.e (left):
view/eg_figure.e:41: l_model: like model I've looked at all descendants of EG_FIGURE in the library and EiffelStudio (haven't done so with the graph example), it seems that a figure is always created with a model, so making it attached, and promoting `make_with_model' instead of `default_create' would be beneficial to this class and descendants.
File view/eg_figure_factory.e (left):
view/eg_figure_factory.e:85: l_world: like world Let's change the code so that the creation procedure sets the world to begin with, or if this is not possible, create an empty world.
File view/eg_figure_world.e (left):
view/eg_figure_world.e:70: make_with_model (a_model: like model) Why not making `model' attached? I see this is because if `make_filled'
that we need to keep because `new_filled_list' is calling it, let's change the definition so that it calls `make_with_model' too.
view/eg_figure_world.e:1078: l_rect := multi_select_rectangle Remove `is_multiselection_mode' by an object test on `multi_select_rectangle' instead.
view/eg_figure_world.e:1110: check l_rect /= Void end -- Implied by `is_multiselection_mode'
Same here
view/eg_figure_world.e:1144: check l_rect /= Void end -- Implied by `is_multiselection_mode'
Same here.
File view/eg_link_figure.e (left):
view/eg_link_figure.e:32: check l_model /= Void end -- Implied by precondition `model_not_void'
Force callers to call `make_with_model' to avoid checking for model that is always attached in practice.
File view/eg_linkable_figure.e (right):
view/eg_linkable_figure.e:300: check attached world as al_world then -- Implied by precondition `ready'
Would be nice to make `world' attached all the time, but this could prove a little bit more difficult. But in any case, no need to use `check', here, just if is sufficient and in the else part a `check False end'.
File view/eg_polyline_link_figure.e (left):
view/eg_polyline_link_figure.e:542: l_target := target If we can make `source' and `target' attached as mentionned before, that would simplify the code a lot.
File view/eg_polyline_link_figure.e (right):
view/eg_polyline_link_figure.e:55: check attached model as al_model then
-- FIXME: Implied by ...?
See before, we can make `model' attached.
File view/eg_resizable_cluster_figure.e (left):
view/eg_resizable_cluster_figure.e:137: if xml_routines.xml_boolean (node, is_user_sized_string) then I don't like the code here, we know that it is a boolean value, but then we need to check again. Maybe the xml parser should return a boolean value object that we can use to get a string from.
File view/eg_simple_link.e (left):
view/eg_simple_link.e:54: prune_all (line) We can simply use an object test on `reflexive' and have an invariant that says: model.is_reflexive = (reflexive /= Void)
File view/eg_simple_link.e (right):
view/eg_simple_link.e:139: check attached reflexive as al_reflexive then
-- FIXME: Implied by ...?
As above, let's use an object test.
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Unfortunately it doesn’t work as it requires you to have python installed to upload patch L
Jocelyn and I are trying reviewboard. It is not great, but at least we could use it as a basis for the review. I hope that early next week we will have something.
In the meantime, do not hesitate to use the forum to discuss issues, but let’s do one at a time, otherwise it is hard to follow.
Okej. Then we start with the one I wrote some days ago