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#web-meeting: 2012-June-14 (14:00 UTC)

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Jocelyn Fiat

Jun 7, 2012, 2:48:39 PM6/7/12
to Eiffel Web Framework
Hi all,

As we decided earlier, we will have regular web meetings.

For this next meeting, I suggest thursday the 14th of June 2012 (Next
thursday) at 14h00 UTC/GMT ( )
We will be using Google+ Hangout, and I will record the web meeting this way.
Please visit the G+ page of the project to join the hangout ( )

The goal is to have regular meetings (maybe every 2 weeks), I know not
everyone will join each time, and that's ok (even "if" in a perfect
world, everyone would join and talk).
Those meetings will be to talk about EWF, for new users this would
also be an opportunity to ask questions and provides feedback.
This can be about technical point, about organization, about any
things ... related to Web, and related to Eiffel Web Framework.

What does really matter, is to meet online often, regularly, and have
record of the meetings.
- We will accept from 2 to .. 20 participants and unlimited listeners.
- The meeting will start on time, we won't wait for anyone, but we
will accept participant to join during the meeting
(if you are late, be polite, don't interrupt talking as soon as you
are connected, and eventually send a message to say hello)
- This will never last longer than one hour (and could last less)
- Any one is welcome to suggest topics, to present slides or
documents, screen sharing, ...

For this upcoming meeting, there is no specific agenda/topic yet.
We can use this Google group thread to suggest and receive suggestions.

If date and time is not great, we can change it for future meetings,
let's just keep the announced date for this next meeting.

Talk to you soon,
-- Jocelyn

note: It is really not obvious to plan web meeting with time good
enough for any one,
so maybe we'll try to also plan for time to time meeting
around 6:00 UTC, so that Berend can also join (see

Colin Adams

Jun 8, 2012, 4:07:59 AM6/8/12
On 7 June 2012 19:48, Jocelyn Fiat <> wrote:
Hi all,

As we decided earlier, we will have regular web meetings.

For this next meeting, I suggest thursday the 14th of June 2012  (Next
thursday) at 14h00 UTC/GMT ( )

OK by me.
We will be using Google+ Hangout,

What does this mean.
and I will record the web meeting this way.
Please visit the G+ page of the project to join the hangout ( )

I looked at the webpage. I don't understand what it means to join the hangout (or what a hangout is).

For this upcoming meeting, there is no specific agenda/topic yet.
We can use this Google group thread to suggest and receive suggestions.

One thing that always niggled me about Goanna was (I think) that you had to commit to a specific connector in your code, and to change it was a bit of work. Is this also true with EWF (I haven't explored the issue - but I was reminded of it today)? If so, it is something I would like to discuss (I'd like to be able to choose the connector by a command-line argument). 

Jocelyn Fiat

Jun 8, 2012, 5:29:37 AM6/8/12

We will be using Google+ Hangout,

What does this mean.

Sorry I should have been more precise, G+ is still pretty new.

Google+ Hangout, is the web meeting solution from Google, this is on Google+ social network.
This is convenient, easy to share slide, screen sharing, and easy to record the meeting and share on youtube for instance.

If ever I can not join a meeting, Javier or any moderator of the EWF google+ page can start the meeting, and so on.

However, if G+ Hangout is really a trouble for any one, we can use webex, and if one day I can not join, I will make sure the meeting is automatically launched, and that someone can take control to be the host.


and I will record the web meeting this way.
Please visit the G+ page of the project to join the hangout ( )

I looked at the webpage. I don't understand what it means to join the hangout (or what a hangout is).

So a few minutes before the meeting start, I will start the G+ hangout  (web meeting provided by Google), I will invite invite people through G+
(however I guess it requires people to have a google account).
And any one looking at the EWF page on G+ will see the hangout and can join as listener

If this is too much trouble, any one just tell me, and we'll use Webex for now (kindly provided by Eiffel Software account).

For this upcoming meeting, there is no specific agenda/topic yet.
We can use this Google group thread to suggest and receive suggestions.

One thing that always niggled me about Goanna was (I think) that you had to commit to a specific connector in your code, and to change it was a bit of work. Is this also true with EWF (I haven't explored the issue - but I was reminded of it today)? If so, it is something I would like to discuss (I'd like to be able to choose the connector by a command-line argument). 

EWF allows you to compile your application 
 - with a default connector (in this case, there is only one default connector .. you have to choose CGI, FastCGI, or Nino)
 - but as well, you can use any connector (even all of them), and in your application, you code which one you will execute  (this can be done using argument, environment variable, configuration file, whatever you feel is adapted) ..
So yes, you can compile your application once, and "run" it as CGI, FastCGI , standalone server ... any connector available.

If you want, I can provide an example, or extend the tutorial to document how to achieve that.
-- Jocelyn 

Jocelyn Fiat

Jun 8, 2012, 10:21:56 AM6/8/12
Hi all,

Due to recent information, we'll change the day of the meeting.

This will be on Tuesday, 2012-June-12, (and same time 14:00 UTC)

Sorry for this late minute change.
-- Jocelyn
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