Hello R,
I just try to install the Eiffel 22.05 package on Ubuntu 22.04 and everything work like a charm (at least, for a basic hello world and a basic Vision 2 applications). As I remember it, the ecf files of EiffelStudio always used backslashes, but the Eiffel compiler seems to be able to adapt it depending on the system. Here is what I did so that you can see what the problem is:
# sudo apt install libgtk2.0-dev libxtst-dev libgtk-3-dev
# sudo tar xvfj Eiffel_22.05_rev_106302-linux-x86-64.tar.bz2 -C
# export ISE_EIFFEL=/usr/local/Eiffel_22.05
# export ISE_PLATFORM=linux-x86-64
# export PATH=$PATH:$ISE_EIFFEL/studio/spec/$ISE_PLATFORM/bin
# estudio
You may have to erase (or rename) the ".es" directory in the home directory to make it work.
Good day,
Louis M
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/eiffel-users/ff5d8782-58b8-c7cc-2d97-5804b874d558%40tioui.com.
Did you export the environment variables "ISE_EIFFEL" and "ISE_PLATFORM" (and possibly "ISE_LIBRARY" and "EIFFEL_LIBRARY"). Because without these, the Eiffel compiler looks indeed in /usr/lib/EiffelStudio for libraries.
But I do agree that the fact that veteran programmer has difficulties does not look good for the new programmer.
Good day,
Louis M
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/eiffel-users/20221114082549.cf48dd763fcaf5d42559c6c92f6fc53b.fd2df9262a.wbe%40email25.godaddy.com.
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Antw: [EXT] RE: [eiffel-users] installing on Ubuntu
From: "Ulrich Windl" <Ulrich...@rz.uni-regensburg.de>
Date: Tue, November 15, 2022 2:10 am
To: <eiffel...@googlegroups.com>
>>> <r...@amalasoft.com> schrieb am 14.11.2022 um 16:25 in Nachricht
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I know that this is not what you are looking for. But since it works great on my machine, as an alternative, do you want me to test your libraries to see how it goes. Do you have a test suite you want me to launch?
Good day,
Louis M
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/eiffel-users/20221115052808.cf48dd763fcaf5d42559c6c92f6fc53b.5847a22ffc.wbe%40email25.godaddy.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/eiffel-users/9fd65791-cd37-305b-45fc-aaa72c7facb5%40tioui.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/eiffel-users/9fd65791-cd37-305b-45fc-aaa72c7facb5%40tioui.com.
Well, that will, of course, depend on how time consuming the
process is. But I don't care helping a fellow library creator when
Good day,
Louis M
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/eiffel-users/20221115064541.cf48dd763fcaf5d42559c6c92f6fc53b.c1d9d1326d.wbe%40email25.godaddy.com.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Antw: [EXT] RE: [eiffel-users] installing on Ubuntu
From: Jocelyn Fiat <jf...@eiffel.com>
Date: Tue, November 15, 2022 8:47 am
To: eiffel...@googlegroups.com
Hi ,I am surprised that installing EiffelStudio is not as expected.You may also want to use the installation script from https://www.eiffel.org/setup/It is helpful to automate installation for CI tasks.The simple way to use itcurl -sSL https://www.eiffel.org/setup/install.sh | bashit will download the latest stable version, and install in the current working directory, in the case of Eiffel 22.05, it will be installed in sub directory ./Eiffel_22.05/In addition, the script creates a file in ./Eiffel_22.05/setup.rc to help setting the environment to use that EiffelStudio installation.In most shell, from terminal, you can do "source ./Eiffel_22.05/setup.rc" or you can copy the content to your .bashrc, or .zshenv, or similar setting file.I hope it helps,Best regards,
Eiffel Software
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Wednesday, November 16, 2022 11:18 PM +03:00 from r...@amalasoft.com:
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Also when starting with an encoding like UTF-8 it should satisfy most needs.
UTF-8 is fine for storing text in files but will not cut it for an internal STRING representation. The problem is it is no longer possible to use array indexing to locate a particular character in the string, because a single utf-8 character can be anywhere from 1 to 4 bytes, so you have to check the size of each character preceding the character you wish to access. There was a class in GOBO that attempted to do this but it was extremely slow because of this problem. That is why ZSTRING only uses Latin-x or Windows-x codecs, and Unicode for supplementary characters.
-- SmartDevelopersUseUnderScoresInTheirIdentifiersBecause_it_is_much_easier_to_read