Eiffel TC 2021 Election Results

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Fatih Degirmenci

Apr 22, 2021, 3:02:49 PM4/22/21
to Eiffel Community
Hi Eiffel Community,

As you are aware, the nomination period for seven TC seats ended on April 16, 2021.
We received five nominations as of today. [0]

During the meeting on April 22, 2021, Eiffel BTC agreed the five candidates to assume their seats without conducting elections. [1]
Please find the newly elected TC members below and congratulate them.

- David Westberg, Volvo
- Emil Bäckmark, Ericsson
- Magnus Bäck, Axis
- Mattias Linner, Ericsson
- Tobias Persson, Axis

On behalf of Eiffel BTC, I would like to welcome the newly elected members of TC and thank the members of outgoing BTC for all their contributions to reach this important milestone for the community.

[0] https://hackmd.io/6x1Ef5Y_RWqaOmytMeYVKw?view#Candidates-for-Technical-Committee-Election
[1] https://hackmd.io/SCImga0nS1qSh3QvsEOAVQ?view#April-22-2021

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