And now for something completely different : Meego

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EEElinux GroupAdmin

Jun 16, 2010, 7:29:46 AM6/16/10
to eeelinux
It's summer time (at least somewhere in the world) so why not try
something different on your netbook ?

Meego, the Intel/Nokia linux distribution for netbooks and phones is
compatible with the eee 1005HA and is a nice alternative for a spare
flash drive.

This takes about 20-25 minutes so you can combine this with cooking
your potatoes ...

go to
then download the meego-netbook-chromium-ia32-1.0-20100524.1.img file.

find a spare usb flash drive (1GB is enough)

Now install the Meego distribution on the usb flash drive using the dd

dd bs=4096 if=<image file> of=<usb drive>

so typically something like

dd bs=4096 if=meego-netbook-chromium-ia32-1.0-20100524.1.img of=/dev/

if sdb is your usb flash drive.

Now power off your fedora on the 1005HA and reboot.

Select the usb flash drive as the boot device. If you need to change
keyboard layout (default is US), then pop over to a terminal and use


PS Fast enough for you ?

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