Where are the documents stored?
Can I ask you to Sync up with Steve Sanchez on the ORA team who is working on something related?
Yes - the "Advanced" section you are looking for will not be under "problem", it will be its own green button:
<Screen Shot 2014-06-23 at 8.46.36 AM.png>
See the "Advanced" green button there? That's what you'll want to click.
On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 4:19 AM, Trinh Nguyen <dangt...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Peter,
I'm trying to use the edx-sga but have no luck. What I have done so far are:
+ Installed edx-sga (install from source) and added it to the /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/cms/envs/common.py+ Added edx_sga to advanced_modules in Settings
But I could not find the Staff Grade Assignment:
Yeah, I think we had to install it with the -e flag to get around that (I added an issue to the repo to fix setup.py so that won’t be needed in the future). So the command is
pip install -e git+https://github.com/mitodl/edx-sga#egg=edx-sga
I also added it to PyPi, but again until the setup.py file is fixed up, that won’t work right as you pointed out.
Ah, this error is related to the opaque-keys change and we haven’t caught up yet. You will need to use release tag release-2014-05-20 or earlier for this xblock to work until we can get it updated. The command for installing on an ansible built system is
sudo -u edxapp /edx/bin/pip.edxapp install -e git+[https://github.com/mitodl/edx-sga#egg=edx-sga](https://github.com/mitodl/edx-sga#egg=edx-sga)
However I would recommend making a change in the edx-platform repo adding -e git+[https://github.com/mitodl/edx-sga#egg=edx-sga
](https://github.com/mitodl/edx-sga#egg=edx-sga) to requirements/edx/github.txt so that it gets picked up by the configuration and paver commands.
Students will not be able to access this component. Re-edit your component to fix the error.
Error: staff_graded_assignment/show.html
pdp...@mit.edu | T 617-253-6256 | C 617-652-0183--
sudo -H -u edxapp bash
source /edx/app/edxapp/edxapp_env
cd /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform
git clone https://github.com/mitodl/edx-sga
cd edx-sga
Hi Prathibha, to install it I suggest you to do this :
First uninstall edx-sga.
Then (if you're not on vagrant, if you are I think the two first commands are useless) do this :
sudo -H -u edxapp bash
source /edx/app/edxapp/edxapp_env
cd /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform
git clone https://github.com/mitodl/edx-sga
cd edx-sga
- python setup.py install
- cp -R templates/ /edx/app/edxapp/venvs/edxapp/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/edx_sga-0.2.0-py2.7.egg/
This should work. I did the same thing and restarted the cms/lms just to be sure, but I do not know Python and it is probably overkill.
Jul 8 19:16:34 ip-172-31-19-193 [service_variant=lms][courseware.module_render][env:sandbox] ERROR [ip-172-31-19-193 27515] [module_render.py:634] - error executing xblock handler
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/lms/djangoapps/courseware/module_render.py", line 615, in _invoke_xblock_handler
resp = instance.handle(handler, req, suffix)
File "/edx/app/edxapp/venvs/edxapp/src/xblock/xblock/core.py", line 284, in handle
return self.runtime.handle(self, handler_name, request, suffix)
File "/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/x_module.py", line 960, in handle
return super(MetricsMixin, self).handle(block, handler_name, request, suffix=suffix)
File "/edx/app/edxapp/venvs/edxapp/src/xblock/xblock/runtime.py", line 643, in handle
results = handler(request, suffix)
File "/edx/app/edxapp/venvs/edxapp/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/edx_sga-0.2.0-py2.7.egg/edx_sga/sga.py", line 252, in upload_assignment
self.location.to_deprecated_string(), self.uploaded_sha1, self.uploaded_filename)
AttributeError: 'Location' object has no attribute 'to_deprecated_string'
Jul 8 19:16:34 ip-172-31-19-193 [service_variant=lms][root][env:sandbox] ERROR [ip-172-31-19-193 27515] [exceptions.py:9] - Uncaught exception from <class 'django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/edx/app/edxapp/venvs/edxapp/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/handlers/base.py", line 111, in get_response
response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
File "/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/lms/djangoapps/courseware/module_render.py", line 545, in handle_xblock_callback
return _invoke_xblock_handler(request, course_id, usage_id, handler, suffix, request.user)
File "/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/lms/djangoapps/courseware/module_render.py", line 615, in _invoke_xblock_handler
resp = instance.handle(handler, req, suffix)
File "/edx/app/edxapp/venvs/edxapp/src/xblock/xblock/core.py", line 284, in handle
return self.runtime.handle(self, handler_name, request, suffix)
File "/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/x_module.py", line 960, in handle
return super(MetricsMixin, self).handle(block, handler_name, request, suffix=suffix)
File "/edx/app/edxapp/venvs/edxapp/src/xblock/xblock/runtime.py", line 643, in handle
results = handler(request, suffix)
File "/edx/app/edxapp/venvs/edxapp/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/edx_sga-0.2.0-py2.7.egg/edx_sga/sga.py", line 252, in upload_assignment
self.location.to_deprecated_string(), self.uploaded_sha1, self.uploaded_filename)
AttributeError: 'Location' object