Issue in Adding Beta testers to the course before release

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Vijaya lakshmi T.G.

Jun 28, 2018, 8:44:33 AM6/28/18
to General Open edX discussion

Beta testers get the mail but they are not able to access the course, it shows the course starts will start on particular date.

For example :
Today 28th june 2018,  if i set course start date and enrollment date as July 2nd 2018 and set the days early to 4 days.
and from the instructor board if i enroll the beta tester, they receive mail.
but it displays as below:

Vijaya lakshmi T.G.

Jun 28, 2018, 8:46:14 AM6/28/18
to General Open edX discussion
It just shows the Date when the course starts but not able to access the course by beta testers.

Pierre Mailhot

Jun 28, 2018, 1:44:31 PM6/28/18
to General Open edX discussion
You have to go into the advanced parameters of the course and set the value of days before the course that the beta testers will have access to the course.

Vijaya lakshmi T.G.

Jun 29, 2018, 9:33:11 AM6/29/18
to General Open edX discussion
I have set the days early for beta testers field in advanced settings as well. Still facing the same issue.
Please let me know if im missing something
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