Hi friends,
Sixth week at EduMOOC, by topic name, seems to be a week for reviewing
the business process and their social implications relating to
various business models of ODL systems - Public, Private & Open -
Onbline Learning.
I found the following two blogs written by Sir John Daniel, President
and Chief Executive Officer of Commonwealth of Learning (http://
www.col.org/BLOG) very much relevant to this week’s EduMOOC topic.
eLearning and for-profit provision of higher education
Observing Private-Private and Public-Private Partnerships in Higher
In the first blog Sir John Daniel discusses three important findings
in a report by Tony Bates titled “2011 Outlook for Online Learning and
Distance Education”. This includes (1) 21% expansion of enrolment in
fully online (distance) courses in the USA between 2009 and 2010
compared to a 2% expansion in campus-based enrolments,(2) the fact
that despite this growth institutional goals for eLearning are
unambitious (3) in the USA the for-profit sector has a much higher
proportion of the total online market (32%) compared to its share of
the overall higher education market (7%).
He also refer to some interesting information available in Whitney's
recent newsletter including an article by Howard Horton on the Online
Imperative in Higher Education.
In the second blog Sir John Daniel discusses the for-profit and public-
private partnership systems in higher education.
Warm regards,