One of the things that comes to mind with mLearning is that it is just
a form of technology/computer assisted learning.
In the past year or so I have gone through the archives of my
Instructional Design program and from 1984 to now I have seen which
courses have been offered. I have seen a definite evolution in the
jargon used.
CBT - computer based training
WBT - web-based training
Online Learning
Distance Learning
and I am pretty sure that there are more out there that I am
These are not all distinctly separate forms of "learning", however
they are not all the same. The learner profile, the access to
technology, the modality, the location and the design of instruction
all play a role in the eventual nomenclature. What we ought to
realize is that it's all assisted, somehow, by a non-human apparatus,
as such there are commonalities and differences :-)
As technologies become more adept at displaying and getting input from
mobile devices, I think that we will see a further convergeance of e/m/
o/d/ learning :-)