Idle No More March December 21 @ 10:30 am

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Council of Canadians Edmonton

Dec 17, 2012, 12:15:40 PM12/17/12
Hello Council of Canadians Edmonton Chapter supporters,

Following up on the December 10 Idle No More Day of Action that saw over 1000 people march in Edmonton, Idle No More Edmonton organizers have called for a follow-up event on Friday, December 21 as part of the second national day of action. Details are below, and you can find updated information on the Facebook event page at:

Idle No More Edmonton
Peaceful Ceremonial March to Gather Our Ancestors and Further Reaffirm Our Sovereign Position
Friday, December 21 (10:30 am - 3:00 pm)
START at Kinsman Park (9100 Walterdale Hill NW) and END at Sir Winston Churchill Square (99 St. and 102 Ave.).

This is a peaceful, yet focused gathering grounded with Natural Laws, ALL HUMAN BEINGS WELCOME.


WHAT: Peaceful Ceremonial March to Gather Our Ancestors and Further Reaffirm Our Sovereign Position;

1) As Original Peoples of Turtle Island;
2) Assert the Spirit and Intent of the Treaty Agreements between the Crown and the First Peoples be Honored;
3) Unanimously reject Bill C-45 and other proposed legislation as a legal entity. As the Crown has not "acted in good faith" nor has it upheld "the honour of the Crown". These actions are in clear violation of Articles 18, 19, and 20 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) as this process was conducted under duress, with NO consultation, and without the consent of treaty citizens in which this legislation impacts, and further;
4) We demand the state bring back the democratic process by informing its citizens of the impact these Bills have on our environment as well as our relationship with the Original Peoples of Turtle Island.

WHY: To Oppose the Federal Government's suite of legislation that attempts to finalize the assimilation and genocide of Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island (now called Canada)...UNIFY TURTLE ISLAND!

WHERE: START at Kinsman Park (9100 Walterdale Hill NW) and END at Sir Winston Churchill Square (99 St. and 102 Ave.).


The Idle No More movement has called on all Nations to drum and sing across Turtle Island on December 21, 2012 for a Global Synchronized Spiritual Awakening.

This day is significant since it is the winter solstice and is a re-aligning of energy from our Ancestors. We want to honor and recognize the Drum as it represents the heartbeat of Mother Earth and the heartbeat of our people.

Indigenous peoples from Amiskwaciy (Edmonton) call on all people and nations to join us in solidarity in “One Heartbeat” through the Drum as we honor the ways of our Ancestors.

This event will honor the ways of our Ancestors as we call on them to help us bring attention to the injustice Indigenous peoples, land and waters are encountering through the unilateral imposition of legislative policies that blatantly disregard our Natural Laws and the sacred Treaty relationship.


Words of the Four Founding IDLE NO MORE Women:

One Heartbeat Across Turtle Island December 21

Idle No More has called to drummers and singers from across Turtle Island to join us on December 21st at noon (Saskatchewan) for a global [synchronized] spiritual awakening.
The heartbeat of the drum, the heartbeat of Mother Earth, is the heartbeat of the people.
Drums are the oldest living instruments on earth, and their vibration helps us tune into the natural frequency of the earth, connecting us to all that is through a shared heartbeat.
The drum combines animal and plant life to make an instrument that rings not only through the air, but across time. All the elements of Nature are used in the creation of the drum, representing the circle of life in all its aspects. Our songs hold the stories of our past and the visions for our future.


Official Website:
Facebook Event Page:
Twitter: #idlenomore
Support Chief Theresa Spence: #theresaspence

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