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Turing Festival

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Jamie Coleman

Aug 9, 2012, 10:16:56 AM8/9/12

Thanks for all your support so far with the Turing Festival.  I've put together a massively expanded programme for this year with loads of free events and some incredible people.  I have added a few of these below.  The fact is that I will need to sell tickets well for all of my paid sessions in order to be able to continue next year and I'd be incredibly grateful for any and all help you can be putting the word out.  I have priced everything so that I'm not making a profit to make it affordable for everyone.

Here are a few standouts:

Steve Wozniak, Co Founder of Apple

Kevin Hand Nasa, Jet Propulsion Lab.  Kevin is a planetary scientist and astrobiologist involved in the Mission to Europa.

Albert Yu-Min Lin is the scientist behind the world's largest crowdsourced citizen science mapping archeaology project, the hunt for Genghis Khan's Tomb.

We have live telepresence from the world's foremost deep sea explorer, Bob Ballard.  He is best known for his historic discoveries of hydrothermal vents, the sunken R.M.S. Titanic, the German battleship Bismarck, and numerous other contemporary and ancient shipwrecks around the world.

Spencer Wells is the world's leading population geneticist and leader of the Human Genographic Project with National Geographic and IBM.  Famous for his TV show "Journey of Man".

All main people behind hunt for Higgs Bosun: Dr Ben Segal was Tim Berners Lee's boss and he introduced internet protocols at CERN, Tejinder Singh Virdee, John Ellis etc

Security and Freedom:
Crusading Lawyer and should-be-hero to all on Twitter: David Allen Green who recently won the Twitter Joke Trial and was also involved in Simon Singh libel case and more.  He will trace the history of censorship and invasions of privacy from the death of Alan Turing through to today's abuses with the likes of Paul Chambers whose bomb joke cost years of his life in court.
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