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Lean Launchpad course has started.

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Michael Murray

Sep 17, 2012, 8:24:07 AM9/17/12
The Lean Launchpad course EP245 has started, all lectures are available to watch if you log in. 
It appears that many people have not received their email notification that the course has started, it also looks like this will not be resolved.

Anyone had a chance to take a first look?  Any thoughts? 

Also, if you're averse to printing things out, or just don't have a functioning printer to hand, I've found to be pretty handy for it's online business model canvas and tools. It's free for one project with one user. (The free version is not so handy for sharing the canvas, but you could always just PrintScreen and email the image right?) 

Anyone found any better (preferably free) tools to use whilst using this course material? 


Jamie Coleman

Sep 18, 2012, 10:15:01 AM9/18/12
Lean Folks,

I know that Brian has email a few of you but this is worth getting involved with:

4th October 2012: The latest thinking in agile software development and product management comes direct to Scotland from Silicon Valley.

It has never been easier, cheaper or faster to build software products, with the plethora of tools and cloud services available to support agile development methodologies. Many of you will be familiar with Eric Reiss and the Lean Startup movement, based on Steve Blank’s book The Four Steps to the Epiphany.

But what’s happened in the 2-3 years since Eric Reiss left IMVU, the company he co-founded?

Now there’s a chance to learn from Chris Dolezalek, Senior Director of Engineering atIMVU. Chris will describe in detail those elements of Lean Startup practice that still apply at IMVU, which processes they have dropped or amended and what new innovations they have introduced since Eric moved on. He’ll also explore why these changes have happened and the amazing benefits the company has gained as a result of implementing Lean methodologies.

This Masterclass is a must for all tech startup CEOs, heads of engineering and product managers; for budding software entrepreneurs and for teams implementing the switch from waterfall to agile development methodologies. Join us at the Edinburgh Sheraton Hotel at 10am on 4th October 2012.

To register for your place email: For full details please visit

This event brought to you by Northface Ventures and ScotlandIS, your national software sector trade body.


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