AGM 2022 – Thursday March 31st @19:00

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Edinburgh Go Club

Mar 13, 2022, 2:10:51 PM3/13/22
to Edinburgh Go Club

The AGM for the club will be held virtually using Google Meeting on Thursday March 31st 2022 at the start of the normal club online meeting.

The meeting link will be published in the chat on the Club’s OGS Page before the meeting or e-mail to receive it earlier.

We’ve skipped AGMs for the past couple of years with COVID but hopefully now is good time to make a few firmer plans for coming year about Meetings and Tournaments.

Please feel free to post ideas and suggestions on the OGS Chat, or Google Group before the meeting.

Also e-mail if you want anything added to Agenda or interested in becoming one of the Club Officers.


  • Election/Re-election of Officers (Chair/Secretary/Treasurer)
  • Statement of Accounts
  • Meetings: Starting Face-to-Face Meetings and/or Continuing Online
  • Tournaments
  • Any Other Business


Mar 30, 2022, 7:39:08 AM3/30/22
to Edinburgh Go Club
Quick reminder that the AGM is tomorrow (Thursday 31st) at 19:00 .

Let me know if you have any questions, or anything that you would like discussed (main topics at the moment are Face-to-Face Meetings and Tournaments), or feel free to respond to this thread.

Best Regards,



Apr 3, 2022, 11:40:18 AM4/3/22
to Edinburgh Go Club
Minutes from AGM on Thursday below. Thanks to everyone who attended. Best Regards, rob.

0. Attending:
Stephen, Rob, Charles, Nick, Rui, Pete, Greg (towards end)

1. (Re-)Election of Officers
- Chair: Charles, Secretary: Rob, Treasurer: Robin with Pete as backup (Rob to check that Robin is happy to continue)

2. Statement of Accounts
- No Money spent during Covid. Healthy Balance (~800)

3. Meetings:
* Discussion:
- discussed what makes good venue, post-Covid
- discussed what works for face-to-face meetings both for existing members and to encourage new members
* Decisions to:
- continue with Thursday Online
- investigate/arrange variety of face-to-face events over next few months at different venues/times to see what works
-- Red-Dice, Leith (Rui) Peartree (Rob/Charles) At-Home (Stephen)
-- Rob/Stephen to discuss method to invite people to events

4. Tournaments
* Discussion:
- discussed both in-person and online tournaments
- online has been run successfully by BGA and experience from Rui in running.
- in-person would likely use Fischer Time, clocks would need to be upgraded/supplied from BGA.
* Decisions to:
- Stephen/Charles/Rob to investigate running tournament in September at St. Columba's-by-the-Castle. Rob to check availability.

5. AoB: Communications
* Discussion:
- general discussion of current communications mechanisms: google group, website(WordPress), OGS and future options i.e. Discord, Apps (such as Teamer/Spond)
* Decisions to:
- stick with all current mechanisms at the moment, but greater emphasis on OGS
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