Ingleside Station February Community Meeting -Tuesday, February 20th 6-7pm

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Joelle Kenealey

Feb 19, 2024, 9:27:05 PMFeb 19
to J Kenealey

On Tuesday, February 20, from 6-7pm,  the monthly Captain's meeting will take place at Ingleside Station's community room. Captain Amy Hurwitz will have a speaker about 
the flurry of recent SCAMS in the district.

Seniors are especially vulnerable to these scams including:
"Roofing inspectors" who gain entrance, "find" bad roofs and then offer their services at extremely high rates.
Phone calls requiring fines for failing to attend jury duty,
Fraudulent e-mail. For example, scams purportedly from the USPS inviting you to "click here to take a survey and win $50".

Please consider attending these monthly meetings and sharing your concerns.


Joelle Kenealey
Outer Mission Merchants and Residents Association
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