EDGE 2.4.0 release

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Lo, Chien-Chi

Dec 3, 2020, 5:42:17 PM12/3/20
to edge-...@googlegroups.com

Dear EDGE users,


We have EDGE v2.4.0 version released.  Below are some highlight new features and you can see more updates info in the changelog.  The https://edgebioinformatics.org/ is also updated to this version.

New features
• Metagenomic data binning using MaxBin2 and CheckM for quality assessment.
• Add AntiSmash v4.2.0 tool for secondary metbolite analysis for contigs
• Update QIIME to QIIME2 pipeline.
• Update final report pdf file to match with web based summary result page
• Add Centrifuge taxonomy classification tool
• Update Contig taxonomy classification from bwa to minimap2
• Long Reads Support: Add Unicycler, wtdbg2, (meta)flye assemblers
• Tools version update, including samtools, bcftools, racon, R, megahit, rgi, bowtie2, bedtools, minimap2, prokka, ncbi-blast etc.
• See More updates in Changelog

In addition, based on EDGE, we have tweaked it to a covid-19 specific analysis as EDGE covid-19 and has it online at https://edge-covid19.edgebioinformatics.org/


Please let us know if you have any suggestions.


Best regards,

EDGE development team.

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