Docker Installation: What ar the username/password for the 2 URLs and the Container/Docker_machine?

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Jan 14, 2019, 8:09:40 PM1/14/19
to edge-users

(I am brand new to using Docker, and a beginner user of Edge...)

Starting Friday, January 11, 2019, I followed the instructions here,
which then refers to:

I made it all the way to "Default credential: EDGE user ad...@my.edge/admin"

and I am able to Browse, using Chrome from my home computer, to both of these URLs
which refer to a Linux machine I have out in cyperspace:

http://<my IP address>:80/userManagement
http://<my IP address>:80                       

1.) I don't know what to use for the username/password for either URLs.

I did use "ad...@my.edge" and "admin" but that failed,
and additionally, the user management page complains:
     Password must be at least 8 characters long

what is the significance of the `docker` command parameter of "bioedge/edge_dev"?

How does one log into the Docker machine, using `ssh`?

I ran this:

$ docker-machine ssh machinename
  Command 'docker-machine' not found, but can be installed with:
  sudo snap install docker

Then after running `sudo snap install docker`, I ran:
$ sudo docker-machine ls
NAME   ACTIVE   DRIVER   STATE   URL   SWARM   DOCKER   ERRORS  <-- no machines available??

So there is no Docker machine available, and presumable the name would be "edge" from the original `docker` flag of: "--name edge ".
(but the Docker machine must be running, cause I am able to connect to the above URLs via a Chrome browser.)

Similarly, this does not work either:

$ sudo docker exec edge tail /var/log/httpd/access_log
Error: No such container: edge

I then tried regular SSH:

$ ssh -l ad...@my.edge -Y

SSH does try to connect, but what should I use for a username/password?

Using the username/password of "ad...@my.edge" and "admin", does not work.

Thank you



Jan 15, 2019, 7:46:59 PM1/15/19
to edge-users

I figured out how to successfully `ssh` into the container as the "edge" user.
(although I read how that is frowned upon in regards to Docker containers.)

I also undid this command:
  sudo snap install docker
with this command:
  sudo snap remove docker
  sudo reboot
which was definitely conflicting with Docker commands.
I was duped into running the above to get the "docker-machine" software which
is not applicable with this set up.

These commands work better now:

$ sudo docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
bioedge/edge_dev    latest              ed51e0f24cea        5 weeks ago         16.7GB
$ sudo docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                  NAMES
b5b9f849ac23        bioedge/edge_dev    "/usr/sbin/init"    24 seconds ago      Up 23 seconds       22/tcp, 25/tcp,>80/tcp, 3306/tcp,>8080/tcp   edge

I now know that "bioedge/edge_dev", part of the `docker run` command, is
just the name of our Docker image, that has been registered somewhere...

But I still don't know what to use for the username/password for either URLs:
http://<my IP address>:80/userManagement
http://<my IP address>:80                       

I did use "ad...@my.edge" and "admin" but that failed,
and additionally, the user management page complains:
     Password must be at least 8 characters long

I can't find any mention of what the username/password is to use the Edge product other than what I used above?




Jan 16, 2019, 12:16:20 PM1/16/19
to edge-users
The short story, is I'm all set for now.


The long story is:

The username/password that I found in, does work now.

I did 2 things majorly wrong:

I incorrectly edited the volume entries on the `docker run` command:

    -v /path/to/mysql:/var/lib/mysql \
    -v /path/to/database:/home/bee016guest/Edge/database \
    -v /path/to/EDGE_output:/home/bee016guest/Edge/EDGE_output \
    -v /path/to/EDGE_input:/home/bee016guest/Edge/EDGE_input \
    -v /path/to/EDGE_report:/home/bee016guest/Edge/EDGE_report \

I thought I was supposed to edit the right hand side of the colon. That was wrong.

So then I did it correctly as follows, by editing the value on the left side of the colon:

    -v /home/bee016guest/Edge/mysql:/var/lib/mysql \
    -v /home/bee016guest/Edge/database:/home/edge/database \
    -v /home/bee016guest/Edge/EDGE_output:/home/edge/EDGE_output \
    -v /home/bee016guest/Edge/EDGE_input:/home/edge/EDGE_input \
    -v /home/bee016guest/Edge/EDGE_report:/home/edge/EDGE_report \

Next problem is that the mysql (MariaDB) was not starting up cause of file ownership/permissions problems:

$ sudo docker exec edge systemctl status mariadb.service
... mariadb.service failed.

Which led me to do this:
$ sudo docker exec -it edge /bin/bash
# tail /var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log

where I saw:

190116 16:10:11 [Warning] Can't create test file /var/lib/mysql/d329d854093d.lower-test
190116 16:10:11  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: File operation call: 'open'.

I then observed the ID value in /etc/passwd and /etc/group for the "mysql" user/group.

On my host machine, I physically added this line to /etc/passwd:
    mysql:x:27:27:MariaDB Server:/var/lib/mysql:/sbin/nologin

I could not add this line to /etc/group:
As "27" was already used.

Then I changed the owner, but not the group, to all the files belonging to mysql on my host machine:
  $ sudo chown -R mysql:      /home/bee016guest/Edge/mysql

I then stopped, destroyed and re-created the Docker container:

$ sudo docker stop edge
$ sudo docker rm edge
$ sudo docer run ...

All is well... now to start using Edge,....

P.S.: Instead of editing the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files and doing a `chown`, I suppose I could have instead
just changed the permissions by doing:

 $  sudo chmod -R 777 /home/bee016guest/Edge/mysql

On Monday, January 14, 2019 at 8:09:40 PM UTC-5, gmoore777 wrote:
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