Spring break; who do YOUR roleplay; participation summary and live events

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Maria Droujkova

Mar 16, 2012, 6:38:03 AM3/16/12
to ed218a...@googlegroups.com

This is spring break week. I only posted one fun task, talking about teacher and student roleplay. So far, participants named Peter Pan, Professor McGonagal, Albus Dumbledore, Alice in Wonderland and Gandalf as their teacher role models. Aren't some of these surprising? Join the fun at  http://p2pu.org/en/groups/ed218-developing-mathematics-the-early-years/content/week-9-what-character-do-you-play-bonus/ 

Carolyn added an excellent example of why teachers need to roll with roleplay: "I thought I would share a story of role playing that actually occured  yesterday when I was teaching swim lessons. I ahve a young boy who is around 5 and we do "blast offs" where they have to hold on to the wall and push off hence, blasting off. Well when I said "3-2-1 blast off!" he didn't move. I asked why and he said I am a pirate ship, your the captain you have to say "ahoy mateys!" and then we can go. I jumped right in and joined him in being a pirate for the rest of the lesson throwing in "arr!" whenever I could. I thought this was an interesting connection to this weeks task becasue it just happened to me yesterday."

The updated class participation data is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqenMfoYXJb3dF9vcG0waTdiVGN0M2VVdjZuY1NoOHc I also added this as meta at the top of the task list. 

Q: How can I catch up on Live tasks?
A: Find your own live events online, attend and review them. We have a calendar aggregating live events from about a dozen math communities at Math Future: http://mathfuture.wikispaces.com/ It also shows math holidays. I hope everybody had a happy Pi day this week!

Maria Droujkova

Make math your own, to make your own math

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