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eCSStender 1.2.6 is out

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Aaron Gustafson

Jul 13, 2010, 6:16:32 PM7/13/10
to eCSStender Mailing List
You can, of course, consult the change log, but here are the

* overhauled eCSStender::isSupported() so it can accept
- assignment of support info into the cache and
- accept a property as the second argument and a string value (or
array of strings) as the third argument for property tests (so that
you can offer alternatives like ['#000000','black'] or re-ordering for
browsers that have alternate internal value storage schemes)
* added some new methods:
- eCSStender::getCSSValue()
- eCSStender::addClass()
- eCSStender::removeClass()
- eCSStender::hasClass()
- eCSStender::toggleClass()
- eCSStender::makeUniqueClass()
* adjusted eCSStender::isSupported() to make use of getCSSValue()
* fixed window.status issue
* tests for some the new/revised functionality

100% of tests were passed in

* Firefox 1.5 - 4.0 beta (Mac & WinXP)
* Safari 4-5 (Mac); Safari Touch (iOS4)
* Chrome (current, Mac & WinXP)
* IE 6-8 (WinXP)
* Opera 9.6-10.6 (Mac); Opera Mini 5 (iOS4)
* Shiira (current)
* Camino (current)
* Flock (current, Mac)
* SeaMonkey (current, Mac)

It seems like the test suite has sped up in a few browsers too, which
is great. Probably the getCSSValue() optimizations.


Aaron Gustafson

Jul 13, 2010, 6:16:31 PM7/13/10
to eCSStender Mailing List
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