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RE: reference to undefined property WINDOW.onload

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Dec 30, 2010, 8:44:49 AM12/30/10
to eCSStender Mailing List

I have just seen that the example code I've shared had absolute url's
for the .css files. I have also tried relative and relative to the
root urls for css (f.ex. /styles/style.css ) with the same results.

I wanted also to note that I got the error I posted by selecting
"break on all errors" on the console tab on firebug.
If I don't break on errors the error I don't get to see the error.


PS I'm repling to my own post before my own post is accepted on the
list, I hope this is not a problem.


Dec 30, 2010, 8:17:10 AM12/30/10
to eCSStender Mailing List
I'm getting reference to undefined property WINDOW.onload on line 2436
with a basic install of eCSStender.

The line says:
__old_onload = WINDOW.onload,

I've tried to comment out almost everything but I still get the error
so I assume I must have done something wrong in the order of the

I've searched for documentation about this but I was unable to find
it. or to find this error reported.
My code looks exactly like this:

The code is so basic that I assume that the error is on my side, but I
can provide any feedback or run tests if there is something more to

Right now my 3.6.13 firefox right now returns 272 tests of 272
passed, 0 failed. on

Thanks for your time!

Aaron Gustafson

Jan 15, 2011, 5:41:09 PM1/15/11

Ok, so the error you are seeing is in Firefox 3.6.13. Which OS? Can you direct me to the page on the open web or send me a copy to test locally?

I can augment the line to test for WINDOW.onload's existence before setting the property like that, but I'm not sure if that's the cause as I have not seen this issue myself.

Another quick question: the paths to your CSS files in the pastebin are full URLs. Are those URLs on the same domain?

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