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Re-evaluating extenders

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Jul 21, 2010, 6:37:18 AM7/21/10
to eCSStender Mailing List
Hi all,

I want to set up a customisable colour scheme where I can change the
site's palette at run-time via javascript. I've created an extender
which looks for -color-variable and assigns a colour based on the
given value. In this case, it's picking up on color1 and using a
default value stored in myColor. That part works fine. However, I then
want to change the colour at the click of a button from red to blue.

My question is, how can I tell eCSStender to re-evaluate my extender
such that it updates BODY with the new colour stored in the myColor

/* stylesheet.css */
-color-variable: color1;

/* script.js (using jquery) */
var myColor = '#ff0000';
eCSStender.register({ 'property': '-color-variable' }, false, function
(selector, properties) {
switch (properties['-color-variable']) {
case 'color1':
$(selector).css({ 'color': myColor });

/* page.html */
<body onclick="myColor = '#0000ff'; eCSStender.?????();">


Aaron Gustafson

Jul 21, 2010, 8:49:24 AM7/21/10
to eCSStender Mailing List
On Jul 21, 6:37 am, Kris <> wrote:
> I want to set up a customisable colour scheme where I can change the
> site's palette at run-time via javascript. I've created an extender
> which looks for -color-variable and assigns a colour based on the
> given value. In this case, it's picking up on color1 and using a
> default value stored in myColor. That part works fine. However, I then
> want to change the colour at the click of a button from red to blue.
> My question is, how can I tell eCSStender to re-evaluate my extender
> such that it updates BODY with the new colour stored in the myColor
> variable?

You have a couple of options, but probably your best bet would be to
create an external method using addMethod[1]. You can then access your
custom function as eCSStender.methods.yourMethodName(). Another option
may be to use the new extension redefinition capability[2].


Let us know if you have further questions.
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