First off, I apologize for being so quiet on the list lately. I've had
some personal stuff to deal with that was taking up a good deal of my
time and, although I have been making subtle adjustments to eCSStender
over the last few months, I had been remiss in posting them to the
So, in an effort to catch you all up, here goes:
* eCSStender is now at version 1.2.2. What does that mean? Well, 1.2
saw a major adjustment to the underlying mechanisms of the library to
speed things up and it has had a considerable impact on performance in
a positive way. The change has also virtually eliminated the UI
blocking that we were experiencing in earlier versions, especially on
larger CSS rule sets. Also, support for IE's caching mechanism was
fixed in v1.1.3.
* I've updated the extensions page on the eCSStender site [1] to offer
detailed info about extensions. If you've written an extension and
would like it included, please post a message to this list.
* I have taken a first stab at implementing several of the CSS3
modules and posted them to github. So far, I have pushed RGBa/HSLa and
opacity support in the Color module [2], border-radius and box-shadow
support in the Backgrounds & Borders module [3], and have completed a
fair portion of the Selectors module [4]. I have also created
placeholder repositories for the Text, Transforms, and Transitions
modules and hope to get some of those started shortly. I've also
implemented Paul Irish's bulletproof @font-face in a simplified module
[5]. If you'd like to contribute to any of these, please consider
forking the repository and adding something.
* In addition to the test URL [6], I have also implemented TestSwarm
[7] so we can track browser support more easily. I have not set it up
to track individual extensions yet, but that's coming. Let me know if
you'd like to help with this effort.
I think that about wraps it up. Again, apologies for being silent for
the last few months.
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