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text in Status Bar & not working in IE

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Rob Schumann

Jul 5, 2010, 12:14:28 PM7/5/10
to eCSStender Mailing List

Downloaded the current versions of eCSStender ( and the
backgrounds and borders extension (0.3.4) earlier today and am getting
the following problems.

1) The text '200' is being written into the status bar of the browser
(Safari) upon completion of page load. If I remove the ecsstender
script loading from the head then the text goes away.

2) I cannot get border-radius to work at all in IE on Windows XP under
any version (6, 7 or 8). This is true for the demo page as well, but
that isn't surprising as the background and borders extension
referenced there is returning 'file not Found', so isn't loading.

As far as I can see I've followed the demo page (loading the scripts
from a local directory), but IE continues to ignore the border-radius,
although passes all tests in the test tree.

My code is:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/_includes/js/eCSStender/min/
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
// ]]>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/_includes/js/eCSStender/min/

and there is an external stylesheet.



Aaron Gustafson

Jul 5, 2010, 5:34:03 PM7/5/10
On 5 Jul 2010, at 12:14 PM, Rob Schumann wrote:

> Downloaded the current versions of eCSStender ( and the
> backgrounds and borders extension (0.3.4) earlier today and am getting
> the following problems.
> 1) The text '200' is being written into the status bar of the browser
> (Safari) upon completion of page load. If I remove the ecsstender
> script loading from the head then the text goes away.

I've seen that too. Not sure where it's coming from, but I'll look into it.

> 2) I cannot get border-radius to work at all in IE on Windows XP under
> any version (6, 7 or 8). This is true for the demo page as well, but
> that isn't surprising as the background and borders extension
> referenced there is returning 'file not Found', so isn't loading.

Border-radius is not yet implemented for IE. I've been weighing the JS-based solutions to decide what to incorporate. Any recommendations?

Rob Schumann

Jul 5, 2010, 8:30:03 PM7/5/10
to eCSStender Mailing List

Thanks for the reply... clears up the main mystery (I hadn't noticed
the 'not in IE' comment on the extensions page regarding border-
radius), and good to know that the '200' text is known, if not yet
identified as to cause/origin... Loks like perhaps a status code
perhaps (as in 200=OK, 404=not found).

On Jul 6, 4:34 am, Aaron Gustafson <>
> > 2) I cannot get border-radius to work at all in IE on Windows XP under
> > any version (6, 7 or 8). This is true for the demo page as well, but
> > that isn't surprising as the background and borders extension
> > referenced there is returning 'file not Found', so isn't loading.
> Border-radius is not yet implemented for IE. I've been weighing the JS-based solutions to decide what to incorporate. Any recommendations?

Afraid not... I've tried only the .htc solutions added as behaviours
to the css, but one breaks very badly, and the other, seemingly more
capable one ( works OK, except that it doesn't support
border-radius independently on each corner... seems an all or nothing
approach... eCSStender is much more interesting, and I like the fact
that it allows me to greatly simplify the stylesheet by removing the
proprietary items.



Dan Rubin

Jul 6, 2010, 5:23:09 PM7/6/10
to eCSStender Mailing List
On Jul 5, 5:34 pm, Aaron Gustafson <>

> Border-radius is not yet implemented for IE. I've been weighing the JS-based solutions to decide what to incorporate. Any recommendations?

I've used and
before and been happy with them — not sure how they do their voodoo,
but it would be great to pick whichever one you feel best fits the
eCSStender philosophy and see if the author is ok with an extension
being created to use their solution.

Also: this would make eCSStender even more appealing to approximately
134% of all designers who use CSS. Just sayin' ;)

Aaron Gustafson

Jul 7, 2010, 5:00:13 PM7/7/10

Thanks Dan ;-)

Aaron Gustafson

Jul 8, 2010, 11:25:14 AM7/8/10

On 5 Jul 2010, at 8:30 PM, Rob Schumann wrote:

> Thanks for the reply... clears up the main mystery (I hadn't noticed
> the 'not in IE' comment on the extensions page regarding border-
> radius), and good to know that the '200' text is known, if not yet
> identified as to cause/origin... Loks like perhaps a status code
> perhaps (as in 200=OK, 404=not found).

Found the cause: a missing var statement for a local status variable in the XHR handler. Fixed in latest builds.


Jul 8, 2010, 11:45:23 AM7/8/10
to eCSStender Mailing List
> Border-radius is not yet implemented for IE. I've been weighing the JS-based solutions to decide what to incorporate. Any recommendations?

I would like to suggest even better jQuery Curvy Corners solution for
CSS3 border-radius
jquery.curvycorners.packed.js = 18.9 KB
curvycorners.src.js = 60.2 KB

The same effect with less space and higher speed.

Aaron, could it be possible to develop eCSStender like one of jQuery
plugins? Thanks!

Jonathan Snook

Jul 8, 2010, 3:38:10 PM7/8/10
>> Border-radius is not yet implemented for IE. I've been weighing the JS-based solutions to decide what to incorporate. Any recommendations?
> I would like to suggest even better jQuery Curvy Corners solution for
> CSS3 border-radius
> jquery.curvycorners.packed.js = 18.9 KB
> curvycorners.src.js = 60.2 KB

It might also be of interest to look at DD_roundies:

Only 9KB compressed.


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