> Downloaded the current versions of eCSStender ( and the
> backgrounds and borders extension (0.3.4) earlier today and am getting
> the following problems.
> 1) The text '200' is being written into the status bar of the browser
> (Safari) upon completion of page load. If I remove the ecsstender
> script loading from the head then the text goes away.
I've seen that too. Not sure where it's coming from, but I'll look into it.
> 2) I cannot get border-radius to work at all in IE on Windows XP under
> any version (6, 7 or 8). This is true for the demo page as well, but
> that isn't surprising as the background and borders extension
> referenced there is returning 'file not Found', so isn't loading.
Border-radius is not yet implemented for IE. I've been weighing the JS-based solutions to decide what to incorporate. Any recommendations?
Thanks Dan ;-)
> Thanks for the reply... clears up the main mystery (I hadn't noticed
> the 'not in IE' comment on the extensions page regarding border-
> radius), and good to know that the '200' text is known, if not yet
> identified as to cause/origin... Loks like perhaps a status code
> perhaps (as in 200=OK, 404=not found).
Found the cause: a missing var statement for a local status variable in the XHR handler. Fixed in latest builds.
It might also be of interest to look at DD_roundies:
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