I occasionally see a hang on Google Analytics, but, apart form that, I'm not experiencing the issue you're seeing. Can you provide me with a few answers so I can ferret out the issue?
1) What Firefox version are you using?
2) Which OS are you using?
3) Are you seeing any failed tests when you visit http://test.ecsstender.org
Thanks in advance.
> Sorry for not posting my setup. I'm running Firefox 3.6.6 on Windows
> XP. I am not getting any failed tests on your test page.
> A dialog box pops up, giving me the option to stop the script,
> indicating that something is wrong in main.js (main.js:20 it says).
> On the spoon demo page (http://ecsstender.org/demos/spoon/), the error
> occurs in eCSStender.js:9
I just ran both under the same build of FF on WinXP and am not seeing the issue. Perhaps its a plugin conflict? Try disabling things like Firebug, etc. and refreshing (note: I was able to run Firebug without issue, but I've seen it and other plugins cause problems). Hopefully we can suss out the issue.
> I have disabled all my Firefox plugins, but the problem remains. If I
> delete the cookies and clear the cache, the site loads properly once
> (quite slowly though, around 10 seconds). Seems to choke on google
> analytics. When I reload the page, the script timeout is back.
Looking into it. Until I can replicate though, it may be difficult.
Try this: in the Firebug console, run window.localStorage.clear(); after the page has loaded the first time. Then see if the second reload still hangs. If it doesn't, it may be a caching issue.
> trying this made the browser not hang on the reload!
Ok, so it's a caching issue. In this session, had you visited the demos? I'm wondering if perhaps they are set to cache and that cache is causing a conflict with the main site cache.
I can set the demos to disable cache, which may resolve this, but first try this for me: after using the technique I showed you for clearing the localStorage cache, reload a few of the normal pages on the site and see if you experience the same issue. If not, open a demo page (http://ecsstender.org/demos/spoon/ for instance) and refresh that before going back to the main site and refreshing there. If a crash occurs, there's our culprit.
I'd do this, but for some reason I'm not experiencing the issue.
Tested the new 'push' in Ubuntu Linux this morning.
The eCSStender works fine in Opera, Firefox, Galeon, Epiphany. I'm
running Ubuntu in the Gnome desktop, so didn't try Konqueror, but
they have the khtml thing pretty well sorted out, as far as I know.
But I have to say, what use is something like "border-radius," for
example, in Linux, when you're stuck with some of the most awful
fonts ever committed? It's a sad, fragmented state of affairs over
Just my 2 Cents. As for 'speed', page reloads, initial page draws,
etc., it was just as snappy as always, before and after installing
the cSStender in a decent web site test environment.
Off-topic; What's the story with Opera's seeming inability to honor a
second "class" selector?
Example: I use border-radius on specific images, AND, I have a
separate selector (.roundCorners) that I can add to other images with
the addition of the class selector, right?
This works in most browsers, and would be handier in, say, having the
ability to add a single instance (in the css file) of border-radius,
-moz-border-radius, etc., rather than having the same attribute
re-written under every specific image. In other words, instead of
using #content img, and #sidebar img, and #header img, just adding
"roundCorners" to the html, right. but Opera just ignores the second,
generalized approach, and only draws the radius borders on images
that have been specifically selected. Weird.
Best regards,