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Any way to make eCSStender work when mod_pagespeed is enabled?

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Nov 25, 2010, 1:03:49 AM11/25/10
to eCSStender Mailing List
Hi all,

I've been using eCSStender for almost a week. Happily used it for two
projects but the third project that I'm currently working on is using
Google's recently introduced mod_pagespeed. Now the problem is that
eCSStender works fine on localhost or when mod_pagespeed is disabled
on the server but won't work when Page Speed is enabled.

Is there any way to fix it?

- Avinash

Aaron Gustafson

Nov 25, 2010, 8:33:51 AM11/25/10

I have not worked with mod_pagespeed yet, so I can't say for sure. My guess is that something is getting corrupted in the file when it is sent over, but I can't tell for sure without seeing it. My recommendation: try using the non-minified version and see if it gives you a line for the error. If that doesn't work, send me a link to a dev server with it using mod_pagespeed and I'll see if I can help suss out the issue.

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