ecotypes followup reflection form ready to go! + expanded instructor faq

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James Proctor

Aug 15, 2023, 7:24:01 PM8/15/23
Dear EcoTypes instructors, hello again! I'm pleased to share that the post-survey reflection form is now ready to go for 2023-24, and I encourage your students to benefit, which they can do on their own after completing the survey. Here is an expanded reflection form overview page for you and your students, with full information. 

There are two ways your students can launch the reflection form:
  1. They can go to the reflection form page linked above, click the Get Reflection Form link at top, and enter their survey key at the bottom of the page.
  2. Or, they can provide their email address at the end of the EcoTypes survey, and they'll automatically be emailed a link to the reflection form.
The reflection form is customized with data from the student's survey response. They will be emailed their responses to the reflection form for their records, or as proof of completion for a course assignment. Please feel free to be in touch if any questions!

Additionally, I'm happy to share that I've expanded information on the Instructor FAQ page. You'll now see an updated list of recommended steps for instructional use of EcoTypes resources ("What are the ways that instructors typically use EcoTypes?"), and a new set of recommendations for optimal use of the popular EcoTypes survey (um, "Do you have recommendations for the EcoTypes survey?").

Finally, do remember to complete the 2023-24 EcoTypes instructional use form if you plan to use EcoTypes and have not yet been in touch.

Thank you, and be in touch as needed.

Jim P.

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